Realistically speaking, any difference between 2x12's and 4x12's


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
closed backs and open backs?

Recently purchased an orange dual terror but do not have a cabinet (I've been using combo amps till now), I have the cash for a 2x12 and don't really see the point in a 4x12 if its just for recording purposes, I mean I'm only going to be micing one cone (two at most) anyway so how can more cones make a difference?

Also any differences in closed and open cabs?

I'm probably going to go for a 2x12 unless someone can REALLY persuade me why a 4x12 is the way to go
Well both may be great for recording. I did a shoot out between my different cabs. 4x12 Engl, 2x12 Mesa and 4x12 Harley benton, all had vintage 30 speakers in them.
Both the Engl and Mesa sounded great, but different. Although i have never done a direct comparison between a Mesa 4x12 vs 2x12 but i've done a couple of great recordings with the Mesa 2x12 for sure.
I have a Mesa2x12 and it does record very well.
I have no doubt though, that a Mesa2x12 and a Mesa4x12 sound different ( more than you think ).
From what I have read, people that have experience with cabinets almost
always choose the Mesa4x12 instead of the Mesa2x12, so there must be a reason for that.

I would love to hear a comparison between the two cabinets.
It's plain physics guys. A bigger room sounds different to a smaller one. A bigger cab sounds different to a smaller one. It's up to you to decide which you prefer. OP is asking is there are differences between a 2x12 and a 4x12, and the answer is clearly yes.
depends what you want.
for loud metalz tonez
4x12 all the way.
for more nasty hardcore stuff, an open back 2x12 sounds more pissed off and nasty.
Definitely sound different.
What you prefer is a matter of subjectivity though. There will probably be situations where a 2x12 will in fact be superior to a 4x12
I guess besides the bigger measurements and the additional wood resonating you also have the issue of the load being divided into 4 speakers for the 4X12

That's in laymans term because i am a layman! that's all i need to know as a musician i figured lol.

But yea that doesnt mean necessarilly better. Heard some great recordings with the 2X12 as well!
I've a 2X12 (V30's), an oversize 2X12(Gt75's) and a 4X12(Gt 75's). They all record pretty well, my most recorded is the oversize 2X12.

If you're on a budget I'd say get a 2X12 with good speakers in it. If you've got the cash go for a good 4X12 with good speakers
Well both may be great for recording. I did a shoot out between my different cabs. 4x12 Engl, 2x12 Mesa and 4x12 Harley benton, all had vintage 30 speakers in them.
Both the Engl and Mesa sounded great, but different. Although i have never done a direct comparison between a Mesa 4x12 vs 2x12 but i've done a couple of great recordings with the Mesa 2x12 for sure.

How sounds the Harley Benton?
I went to buy a 2x12 and walked away with a 4x12. Yes there is a difference, it's just a matter of taste and practicallity. Sometimes Iwish I bought an Engl 2x12 instead of the Framus 4x12.