Reality, Thought, Consciousness.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
What is reality...?

a) Reality is simply a dream from which we could awake at any moment... Reality is simply a 'perception' of what is going on around you, wether it be correct or not. Reality could be a hallucination, yet still remain 'real' because this is what our minds percieve...

b) Reality is what is ACTUALLY happening, even if that is not what we percieve or see. If we were to 'awaken' from our sub-consciousness, we would awake into REALITY.
Reality is different for everyone, its all how you perceive it!

Just like in music, one person says someones a great vocalist, the other says he sucks, but they are both hearing the same thing.
Been reading up on Descartes? Sometimes I think about how my body really isn't me, that the real me is something that lives INSIDE this body, and my body is just a vehicle for me to do what I need to do.
And if it is, what kind of truth is it?

Some say that Truth equals the thoughts of every single person who lived and will live.

Are Dreams real? Is this a "dream within a dream"?

I think that nothing is really real. because reality is a matter of perception. to some dreams are reality, to others raping/killing/murdering is their reality, to others metal is their reality, others don't know that metal exists and so on...

Speaking for myself i will say this:

I am a lover of truth...

...and enemy of reality.
Hmm.. I don't live in this reality... I live in my own reality. Since I can't know everything, like if there is god or not I have to make up my own reality where god does not exist and none goes to hell or heaven.
since the whole of what is cannot be percieved, anything humanly defined is merely defined as it is percieved, therefore the word "reality" can only mean what we take for real.

my general answer to this question is :

"what we call reality is only the frozen perception of a liquid dream."
Ayurvedic tradition suggests we are all made of the same consciousness, the same mind; but each one of us, b/c of the 'ego', subconsciously chooses to manifest this consciousness into our own ego-based physical reality.

Reality is a dance of energetical forms ; a kaleidoscope of associations if you will. The ego-physical-verbal mind chooses to confine this energy to our human-material realm of existence, thus our soap-opera drama filled lives are created.

the only 'truth, or 'true reality' is the one that exists beyond our ego, beyond our verbal mind... the one that exists in the brain in its un-modified un-biased state. Astrally project yourself ; become one with what created us, what we are made up of.. energy.
To get in touch with this experience is obviously the eastern term for 'enlightenment'. So, in other words, the only way to experience 'truth' is if the ego-loss experience takes place ; either through years of deep meditation, on off sleep deprivation,totally inwardly focusing yourself , fasting ; or, through the ancient art of tribal-ritual psychedelic experience.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Living is entirely based on the ego-loss experience..
Also keep in mind that everything, earth, the planets, everything that the human beings have known to be the entire universe ; can just be an experiment in a petri dish somewhere, heh
earthlings do seem to be the only creature that is not in harmony with nature ; we try to conquer it in every way shape and form, we don't seem to embrace the 'flow'

maybe we aren't what we think we are.. organic flesh-alien-robots?
I beleive that we are alien to Earth.

There is no way that we are aboriginal to earth, it is not possible.

The Egyptians proved this.