Really annoying band (RANT INSIDE)


Nov 1, 2009
Okay so..

About a month ago, I recorded this pop punk band.
They're friends of mine, so I did the recording for free. (They didn't have any money, and I wanted to record someone)

So they came over to record, and completely butchered the recording.. The drummer couldn't stay on time, couldn't play to a click, the guitarists had shitty guitars, etc.

Well.. Eventually, they finished tracking and I rendered them a rough copy to hear. Mind you... my rough mixes don't sound anything like the final product. I had literally just finished tracking and burnt them a copy on a CD.

Soo.. they leave the studio and I try to polish the turd as best I can over the next couple of days.

I eventually decided that the guitars HAD to be re-recorded with one of mine, and it would be best if the drummer re-recorded, but it wasn't necessary.

I contacted the guitar players, and told them to get back in the studio, and we'd lay down the guitar tracks so they could put their song up on myspace. (They had been bugging me about it.)

Well, they kept giving me every excuse as to why they couldn't come, and what do you know?! The rough, shitty, poor excuse for a track ended up on their myspace player.

AND THEN, they had the nerve to tell other people that... "Yeah, that song was just a rough demo that Josh never finished mixing.."

So.. After a few days, this egotistical, arrogant, piss-ant of a AE contacts me trying to tell me all the things I did wrong on that recording.

I was polite, and explained the situation to him. But for some reason or another, he became aggressive and attacked me personally with things like.. "You do everything wrong.. You suck at recording and everyone knows it, etc.."

I fucking hate this town, and the people associated with it. There are very few bands here, and I have basically no one to record, so any opportunity I'm given, I snatch it up!

I'm not quite sure how all this will play out, but I just had to get it out. I had to rant.

Thanks for reading.
Who the fuck is that engineer and where did he come from?

He's actually from here. His cousin is the owner of a pretty big local studio here, and he thinks he's hot shit because they're related.

Fuck that.

He's the kind of guy that says... "Music is a gene, and it runs in my family, so I'm naturally good. Also, my cousin is a professional, so I know what I'm doing."

That's an actual quote from our conversation.

What a douchebag..
Lmao, I just listened to a couple of the tracks up on that Myspace. Why the fuck is the snare only on the left, cymbals only on the right, and the kick in the middle. Not the worst recordings, but seriously, what the fuck? Then there's the epic metal kick for music that is anything but metal and three different artists with the same kick and snare samples.

I can't wrap my head around this. This dude has no room to shit talk anyone.

As you now know, never release anything until it's final in your mind and never until you're paid. Also, nothing for free. Amazing how you try to help bands out and they end up trashing you.
You gave out rough mixes and worked for free = you basically asked for this.

It's really tongue in cheek funny, but every other month such a thread comes along and it's always the same... always.

You just learned the hard way.
You gave out rough mixes and worked for free = you basically asked for this.

It's really tongue in cheek funny, but every other month such a thread comes along and it's always the same... always.

You just learned the hard way.

I may have messed up by giving out the rough mix and working for free, but I was just trying to help some friends out.

Are the days of appreciation really gone?

And also, I don't really think I "asked for this". The way I conducted things did not constitute the band denying every request that I made, nor did it constitute the way the AE blatantly, personally attacked me.

However, I DID learn the hard way.
Of course you didn't really "ask" for this and your intentions were nothing but noble... but if you did a survey on this board, asking if people have made similar experiences, you'll find out that basically anybody who has worked with people other than his own projects/bands has gone through such headaches.

Most musicians who aren't AE's don't appreciate it without being charged, because they have no idea how much work this is.

If people on here do each other favours it usually works out great, because they have similar backgrounds.