Really good DM multi to mix


Aug 2, 2007
Just finished an EP for these guys.
Final mix revisions tomorrow but this is pretty much the finished mix.

Here is the full multi if you want to mix it.

It's on google docs (sorry).
If anyone can suggest a better place to host it I will upload again.
Lots of hardware EQ and compression on the way in.
All live drums with triggers.
Guitar and bass amp and DI tracks included too.
Tempo and notes included.
Any questions just ask.

Updated my mix. Same link as in first post.
Really enjoyed working with this band.
So this is my first post here, and it's also my first attempt at mixing DM :) Here's my final mix.

I don't have proper monitors so this is primarily a headphone mix.
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So this is my first post here, and it's also my first attempt at mixing DM :) Here's my final mix.

I don't have proper monitors so this is primarily a headphone mix.

I think you have over EQed everything.
This was tracked with EQ and compression so should fit together without much work.
Try getting an overall balance then EQ only if needed and you should get a better mix.

Ugh why can't my band find a vocalist sort of like this?!?!

He's good isn't he. This band are 18/19 year olds. You would never think it.

Sounds killer, man. Thanks for sharing

Thanks alot!

Look forward to hearing mixes.
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I think you have over EQed everything.
This was tracked with EQ and compression so should fit together without much work.
Try getting an overall balance then EQ only if needed and you should get a better mix.

Thanks man, first attempt at mixing in general so might give it another shot :)


Took about an hour, I eased up on the EQ and enhanced the kick a little bit more. Tidied up the drums as well.

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Here's mine approach, did this as a rest from my current project im working in:

I know it's not perfect, although im quite happy with it... well instead of few strange low-mid resonances, and lack of nice top end (I guess that oh's are too quiet ;) ).
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Don't want the thread to show on google so can't name the band.
The EP isn't out yet. This is for Sneap forum guys only for now :)
My ears are fried form mixing a ska band all day but I will listen to the new mixes tomorrow.
Thank you for uploading this for us. This band is awesome! I'll post my results after I get some sleep. :)
Here's my attempt. Really enjoyed this track. Thanks again!
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Here's mine approach, did this as a rest from my current project im working in:

I know it's not perfect, although im quite happy with it... well instead of few strange low-mid resonances, and lack of nice top end (I guess that oh's are too quiet ;) ).

Not bad!
Guitars are a bit scratchy. Try sweep a cut around 4-5k.
Might sound too dark at first but take a short break then listen again.
This usually works for me.

thanks for this song. was a lot of fun but couldn't bother with all the editing. just wanted to mix.
who is this band by the way?
Sounds great but we had to work really hard to get the sweepy bassline to cut through on the main riff. It could be clearer on your mix even though the low end is good. Try a bit of drive and/or a boost on the attack of the bass at around 800-1K.

Cool. Bass line is cutting right through!
Guitars sound a bit distant like there's not enough pick attack or something.
Other than that really good mix!

Cool song, my attempt. Hats-OHs are killing me tho.
Love the level of the brass. Good mix overall.
When I mixed this I used a medium attack fast release compressor on the overheads and it really helped to get cymbal level without masking the direct snare. I think if you did this your mix would be awesome.

Thanks for the tracks mickrich (also thanks to the band for allowing it). Nice song, nice tracks.

My attempt:

Hope it's any good.
I loved mixing your stuff so nice to see you mixing mine!
Great mix but same thing with the overheads as above.
I think the analogue EQ on my Zed-r16 really gives me an advantage on high boosts. I can add 6db hi shelf to overheads without it sounding harsh.
I can't get close to that with any plugin EQ.

Damn good song.
Love the use of brass.
Really enjoyed mixing this one. of the Earth (Squareal Mix).mp3
Guitars are really scratchy and don't really sit in the mix.
I think it's a combination of too much lo cut and not enough scoop at the harsh hi mids. I see you are new here. Keep downloading session files and keep practicing and you will make fast progress. Your levels are pretty good. It's just a matter of getting the right frequency balances.

Here's my attempt. Really enjoyed this track. Thanks again!

Really good. Sounds full and clear. I can hear a low mid resonance on the guitars and if you find it and cut it your mix will be louder and clearer. Sweep a medium Q cut around the low mids and it should be obvious where it is.

Here is another multi to mix.
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