Reamping Guitars This Weekend - Need Help


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
I am reamping DI's this weekend into a mesa boogie tremoverb and peavey 5150 through a mesa cabinet 4x12. I have two mics at my disposal md421 and sm57. I only have one solid preamp the great river me1nv and the rest is on my fireface 800.

My question is for one side one DI should I mic the cabinet at the same time one sm57(great river) and md421(fireface)...or do it seperately same DI just reamp it twice once with the sm57(great river) and once with the md421(great river).

Also will I deal with phasing issues if I reamp one signal two different times, with two different mics?

Is there a plug that can help with avoiding phase interference?
Hmm, tough call - I'd say do 'em both at the same time so you can get 'em both sounding good together (rather than just individually), but reamping separately could totally work too! And the only phasing issues you'd get with reamping twice with a different mic each time would be if you didn't have the mics the same distance away from the cloth, but that's easy enough to avoid :) God I want a 421...
either way you do it, set the mics up so that the phase cancellation works in your favour cancelling out frequecies you don't like, kind of like a really effective eq.

I'd do them at the same time if I were you- I've heard with recording electric distorted guitar that the mic pre doesn't make as much of a diference as you'd think and the fireface's aren't bad anyways.