Reamping noob question: feedback?

i dont think so

feedback is string answer to the amp sound (techincaly feedback is when input is changed by output)

so here is no strings to answer to signal

nostrings=no feedback - but i think you could record feedback with guitar, and put it in your mix
DSS3 said:
If you track it with feedback on the scratch track (requires a real amp with speaker going), it should come out the same on the reamped track.

That was the plan. I was gonna use my Pod XT for the scratch tracks with the monitors turned up loud enough to get some controllable feedback. :headbang:
joeymusicguy said:
TURN IT UP TO 11!!!!!!!!

If I could, I would. But then I'd have no need to reamp. :D

Of course, there's no Neve pres or Trident console at my house. So I might want to reamp anyway. :kickass: