Prior to 15 minutes ago, I was completely unaware of the concept of REAMPING

Question.... I have a guestpatch with rca, 1/4", and xlr connections. Could I use a send from a DI track, come out of the patchbay, into the 1/4" guestpatch, then run that 1/4" connection to an amp and get the same effect?

Also, sometimes I have to record myself playing guitar, So I plug my guitar into the 1/4" of the guestpatch in the control room, run that to the live room via the patchbay, then come of a 1/4" input in the live room to my amp head. Mic my cab up and everything then play guitar while I am siting in front of pro tools. Am I fucking shit up/losing quality doing that?
Has anyone here tried the Radial X-amp reamp box? I was looking into the J48 DI and found out that they also made this X-amp box and you can buy both in a package. Would I be better off with the box than this one?
madbutcher said:
Question.... I have a guestpatch with rca, 1/4", and xlr connections. Could I use a send from a DI track, come out of the patchbay, into the 1/4" guestpatch, then run that 1/4" connection to an amp and get the same effect?

Technically you can but it won't be the same quality as the signal will be really hot and the impedence won't be matching.

Insturment level is -20dbm and line level is +4dbm so you'd be sending a pretty hot signal into your amp.
SPLASTiK said:
Technically you can but it won't be the same quality as the signal will be really hot and the impedence won't be matching.

Insturment level is -20dbm and line level is +4dbm so you'd be sending a pretty hot signal into your amp.

Ohh...I see. Thanks. But what about the second part, just running my guitar through the 1/4" input int he control room guestpatch, through the TRS patchbay,
(1/8" i'm guessing it is?) then out of the control room's 1/4" in the wall and to my amp. Does the conversion from 1/4" throught the smaller patch bay style cable and back to 1/4" degrade/mess up anything? I don't think it would since all of the mics have to convert through the patchbay, but since the guitar signal is hotter i don't know.....
Are you saying Guitar->Patchbay->1/4" out -> Amp? That'd be fine as long as you aren't using the DI signal and using the actual guitar signal.

It might be easier just to use the "Thru" output on the DI box into the amp or patchbay though which is at instrument level...
SPLASTiK said:
Are you saying Guitar->Patchbay->1/4" out -> Amp? That'd be fine as long as you aren't using the DI signal and using the actual guitar signal.

It might be easier just to use the "Thru" output on the DI box into the amp or patchbay though which is at instrument level...

Yea that's what I meant....sorry for making it so confusing, I'm retarded. Thanks dude.
yes, I do that all the time. DI into pro tools and just stick Amp Farm on the track, then reamp later. Useful if doing overdubs out of the studio.

thank you!
know how im trracking the remainder of our album now... Sansamp city!