Reamping Using the 11 Rack

Dan Weiler

New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2009
Hi guys,

I'm trying to reamp using the 11 Rack. Is it possible to do this running a line out to my Amp Head and a line back into the rack? My first problem is the output from the 11 Rack. It is not making it to my head. I get nothing but fuzz coming from it when I play back my guitar tracks in Pro Tools. Does anyone know how to do this? The 11 Rack owner's manual is not very user friendly.


Well, I have good news and bad news. Good news is I can finally get a signal into the Amp head. Bad news is that I can't get a signal out of the Amp Head or the Cab with a either an XLR cable or 1/4 cable. I'm not using a mic. Can anyone help with this part?
Okay. Maybe I didn't explain well enough here. Here is the situation. Yes, I can get a signal to the amp head and yes I can hear it through the cab. But when I try to send a signal from the amp head to the 11 Rack into pro tools to record it does not make it there. Instead when I do record in a new track i get the same dry signal I'm sending to the amp head but much weaker. Even if I had a mic hooked up it would still do this. It's like the signal isn't even leaving the 11 Rack.
I couldn't figure out how to post photos so here is what I have going on.

1) Inside Pro Tools

I have my dry guitar track. It's input is Analog 1. It's output is Analog 3. I then have a track to record reamping. It's input is Analog 3 and it's output is Analog 1-2.

2) Inside the 11 Rack window

I have all sound FX, Amps, Cabs, Delay, etc shut off. I have the Rig Input set to Reamp. Inside User Options I have under Rig in Embed Setting From set on Analog 3-4. Under Amp/Cab I have selected Cab Always Off. Under External Pedals I have selected Expression Pedal. A Function is on Off. B Function is on Off. Under FX Loop, Mode is set to Mono-Stereo. And under Outputs, Digital is set to Split In/Out. 1 To Amp Position is set to Rig Output and 2 To Amp Position is set to Rig Input.

3) Hardware

On the front of the 11 Rack I have a 1/4 inch cable connect to Output To Amp 1 Left. That cable is running directly into the input on the front of my Amp Head where I would normally connect my guitar.

Next I've tried 2 different scenarios. 1) I have a 1/4 inch cable connected to send in my parallel loop on the back of my amp head. It runs to Line Input Left on the back of the 11 Rack. 2) I have my cab hooked up to my amp head and I can hear my dry track playing from Pro Tools into it with the distortion my amp head is providing. Next I have an XLR cable connected to my cab running into the XLR input on the front of the 11 Rack.