reamping with a twist


Apr 29, 2008
so let's say I have a record's worth of DIs. I want to reamp them through my 5150, but I want to use impulses. I know I still have to hook a cab up and whatnot, but do I need to use a DI for the preamp out signal? or can I just stick it right into the interface?
If your interface is capable of taking it (input impedance), why not? ;) You wouldn't need a DI for the pre-amp out of your '5150' unless you got a shitty interface... something shitty like the m-audio fast-track perhaps?
Yeah going right into the interface should work with most amps and most line-ins. The thing is some amps are in a weird middle ground of not quite -10 and not quite +4 to be compatible with pedals and rack gear. So I would use a line-in that has a gain control.

The way my stuff is set-up I often get ground loops, and I want that gain control. So I will use a passive DI box just to be safe.