Reamping with amp sims?


Shred it
Sep 18, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT
If i buy a Reamp box, would I be able to reamp a guitar track with an amp sim like TSE X50 into my Blackstar Series One 100 head on the clean channel? Like would it sound good at all?
Because the Blackstar that I have doesn't have enough gain to do really heavy tones like a 5150/6505, so I was wondering if I could use something like the TSE X50 through the clean channel and mic my Blackstar 4x12 cab. I love the heavy tones of a Tube Screamer+5150 but I don't wanna spend 1,300$ to just get one more sound because my Blackstar is way nice, it gets about every tone except that ultra gain tone.
Look at 1:43:

Look at 2:50

This is not high gain enough?

If you mix the boosted signal of amp sim with the real amp, god knows what will you get (and I bet it ain't gonna sound pretty)!... I'm even sure that the sound of X50 alone would be a better choice if you're into that tone...
If you want to record it through a real cabinet then the other option would be to use only the poweramp section of your head (bypassing the preamp, since the X50 is taking that role) and driving the cab with sufficient power... but since I don't know much about that head I'm not sure how to do that...
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Don't use the clean channel, use the amps FX return, this way you're just using it as a power amp and bypass the preamp section (as your sim is acting as the preamp)

Surprised that the series one doesn't have enough gain for metal though, I thought that amp was pitched towards the heavy rock/metal crowd?
Have you tried using a tube screamer with your backstar head yet? Might just give you the sound you want.
That would have been my first choice.
To the OP: If you don't like the sound of the amp, why did you buy it?

I love the amp and I use it for a lot of different tones, it just doesn't have that super gain that other amps have. And i have a Tube Screamer but it still doesn't give it enough gain for death metal/core tones.

And Trevoire, there's 2 other models of the 100 watt that have an extra 2 overdrive channels, but the one i have only has 4 channels that only goes up to Super Crunch. Wasn't really interested in paying 300$ more for it, and I didn't have enough to pay more anyways. Like I said, the amp I have is awesome, just looking for more gain for that one specific sound.
Funny you should ask. I had the same idea the other day and recorded i quick riff to test it out today & it works fine. Basically you slap u'r ampsim on your DI track (bypass the cab option if it has one) and instead of plugging u'r reamp box in the front of the amp you plug it into the FX loop return. you can even just record/play through it with the input monitor on if you dont have any DIs.

here is the raw bounce of what i got.
Now i really didnt have time to tweak anything, i had like 20 minutes to do this before i had to leave (my "studio" is at my job), but its not bad.
I'm sure that you will have a better result with the blackstar,of course if you prefer the ampsim it's your choice
Not to add to the flaming but from those videos nervirasme posted that amp sounds plenty capable of doing a modern high gain sound for death metal. \_(o_O)_/
Dude, I own a Blackstar s 100, 6505, krankenstein and a dual rec and the s100 has absolute shitloads of gain, seriously wtf. You must be doing something wrong or your just using too much gain! make sure you are cranking the power section, in most cases less gain is actually BIGGER.

using the TSE X50 instead of the s100's tube preamp is just insane mate.

If your s100 is seriously lacking gain then id start swapping the preamp tubes over
or take the amp to a tech.
??? I don't get it - If you already have a real amp, why are you using amp sim!?

IMHO less can go wrong when you are using a proper amp sim. F.ex. Amplitube and Overloud TH2. Not much can go wrong and let's face it. And it's very easy to create a tone that sounds realistic.

With a real amp. The cab can be bad, the speakers can be bad, the amp might need a tube change, the mic/mics can be faulty or in phase. You can't really hear how it'll sit in the mix unless you have other instruments recorded beforehand. But ofcourse pros don't have these issues. :)
And why not reamping in-the-box? I mean through Metal Amp Room or other stuff with Recabinet for example... I guess it would sound way better than throw an amp sim into a real amp on clean channel!
FWIW, I would really like someone with experience in guitar recording to do a proper amp sim preamp (and then reamped through fx loop in the real amp head) vs the usual real amp pre + head shootout.
Really curious how Amplitube 3 and Revalver models or Lepou and TSE stuff would hold against their real world counterparts.
Because, to my knowledge they are pretty similar (talking 'bout the preamps).