Reaper and fx chain issues


Nov 26, 2009
I recently updated to the latest version of reaper as i was having some issues when loading fx chains onto tracks, but the problem still seems to be there.

Its generally my guitar chain which is made up of ongels tse amp sim amongst other things(im not sure if its a plugin issue or the DAW) is anyone else experiencing this problem? it's incredibly irritating as there is some kind of 'illegal operation' and i lose whatever i'm working on? super annoying. anyone have any ideas?
Never had a problem with it before (using SoloC, 8505, or Wagner MkII), though since X30 is still in the beta stage, that could be the issue...
nope it definitely seems to be unrelated, even when applying just a single plugin in some cases. the program 'encounters a problem' and has to close. No one else runs into this problem?
I upgraded recently and in old projects Reaper claims that TSE could not be loaded. But if I delete it and add it again then save, it works fine.
If it says REAPER encounters a problem, it will also generate an error report. Click on the "click here to learn more" or whatever it says when it crashes and you'll see that reaper.exe caused the fault but usually right next to that it says which module caused the fault. If it says x30.dll or whatever caused it, it's the plugin causing issues BUT... that does not have to mean that the plugin is faulty. I have noticed REAPER is super sensitive to bad plugins while for example Ableton Live rolls like a steamroller even with tons of bad plugins. My REAPER was really unstable a while ago and I deleted the reaper.ini file which contains all settings and crap and I redid ever setting from scratch. The result was an ini file with about 5-6 kb less size so apparently there was a lot of "junk" in the old ini file. Try doing the same, REAPER seems to fuck the ini file up after a while, not sure why that would be.
Never had a problem with it before (using SoloC, 8505, or Wagner MkII), though since X30 is still in the beta stage, that could be the issue...

I decided to run a new beta for the latest version (1.5) because I have rewritten almost every line of code in there.. The earlier versions should work fine if they are SSE2 compatible since I haven't got any reports otherwise :saint:

I'm having issues myself with audio dropouts etc, but that is a Reaper/Hardware problem, which I'm trying to fix as we speak :cry:

Edit: "onqel X30 test" you can hear the snaresample disappear, and all of the audio dropping out in the end .. VEEERY annoying.. it fucks up the whole songwriting process :(
I love the way your guitar and bass tone match up and create this HUGE sound, very good dude! :) But yeah, that's a real weird issue... dropping out like that, what the hell..?

Thanks :) Spent some time mixing that yesterday, but the dropouts is happening at playback too within the project..
I felt like
... and gave up
thanks erkan, i'll try that out. i never thought to generate a report. I've had problems with several plugins, not just the x30. Basically i have to save what i'm working on, try add an effect, then 50/50 it screws up and shuts down, it's a giant pain in the dick, BUT, thanks guys, i'll try it out.