Reaper loop recording/stacking question


Oct 30, 2010
I've been wondering this for ages. I normally play with a region larger than the riff (the riff is the selected rectangle in red) and usually play my riffs a few time, trim and Tetris it where it has to go. I choose the take from the stacked takes and do "CTRL+ALT+T" and then it becomes the take I chose only. Works okay but it would be to much more time efficient if I could just drag and drop 4 takes from a single loop recording/stacking take. I know I could just copy the take with the stacked takes and select them and ctrl-alt-t them but that's also time consuming and I'd have to enlarge the tracks to see what's stacked and all.

So yeah, is there any magical trick that I should know ? Thanks!

Not sure I'm following you here but maybe the "Explode all takes to new tracks" in the "take" sub-menu (there's no keyboard shortcut I'm aware of)...?
Yeah but no, that would just create new tracks and I'd have to delete them.
I just want to drag and drop them to where I want them.
I can ctrl+mouse them to the right and select the parts tho.
Dunno how but I somehow pulled once that off from take list as single take and could drag, but I didn't understand how and couldn't do that again.
Options > New recording that overlaps existing media items > Shows recorded items and existing items in separate lanes


That seems to do exactly what you want.

EDIT: My bad. It appears as though this does not work while in loop record mode. Strange. It works totally fine if you aren't in loop mode.