Reaper: Moving regions changes time signatures?

Apr 14, 2010
hi all,

hope you can help me.
I know similar things were discussed in the past but I still can't figure it out.

I have made a project to illustrate my problem.

The project has tempo and time signature changes in it and I made regions for each unit.

I put a region for the count-in at the beginning of the project.

After that, I inserted a click source and extended it to span throughout the project.

So let's say I have to extend the count-in region. before it was 2 x 4/4 and now it has to be 3 x 4/4.

The problem is that the only way I found to do it meant having to go to the end of the project and start moving region after region 1 bar to the right.

However, upon checking the project I noticed that there was something wrong. it has something to do with the time signature changes being deleted after moving the regions.

I made a video to illustrate this issue:

it shows the project before and after extending the count in one bar.
take a look at the section where it changes to 6/4 @ 180bpm. the 6/4 is gone after movng the regions - it's back to 4/4.

furthermore, there are tempo markers being added that just confuse me because they have no use (bar 3 after moving the regions).

this whole process is a pain.

am I doing something wrong or is there a better method of doing what I'm trying to do`

You have it set to "Beats Only"?, or whatever that option is?

And whats with the master automation there?

I tried experimenting with all those timebase options but couldn't find a definitive answer.

I searched for similar discussions on this board and found you asking a similar question. insert empty space in selection seems to keep everything as it is and inserts space where I need it. cool!

that master automation stuff... dunno why why or when it happens but during the process of mapping out the project it usually appears at some point. maybe when moving regions or tempo markers.
you can hold down the right mouse button and select all the time sig envelope points(make sure snap to grid is selected) then press ctrl+shift so they only move on axis and then move over one measure.

i never use regions for my time changes though. not sure how that affects it.
Delete the regions if you're not using them. I use Markers on top of time signature changes. That way it's just, "Back to 1, back to 2" and controlled literally by my keypad. Also, moving the actual time selection cues will affect play rate. delete them and re insert as needed.