Reaper performance issues


Nov 10, 2008
South Yorkshire, UK
I had a very old version of Reaper installed (2.8 or something) and that worked perfectly although I never really used it much since I mainly use Cubase. After reading all the hype on this forum I finally updated it to 3.161 yesterday and everything worked as it should but about 10 mins in it became very slow and rather unresponsive. I was only running one VSTi and a few VSTs, which Reaper 2.8 coped with easily.

Any idea what's wrong?
Sounds like the VSTi to me. I've been using basically every version with VST's and VSTi's since before your 2.x and the only issue I've ever run into is when a plugin needs to load a significant quantity of its own data/files or has an elaborate, buggy interface. For reference, the newer 3.x has several plugin compatibility switches to try to get odd interactions under control. The experience of most people, however, has always been a vast reduction in resources, not an increase, and certainly not over time like you're describing. Pull out some of your chain and do some research on your plugs, specifically the VSTi since it's a billion times more likely (give or take) to be causing a resource issue or sluggishness.