Can't tell if Reaper 4 hates my new OS or my new Interface

Dan R

Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, Canada
So I recently upgraded my 2008 macbook pro to run on snow leopard so I could run my new interface, a UAD Apollo Duo, which is awesome.

The problem is now reaper doesn't cooperate and freezes after 20 mins or so when I try to play something back. I've installed the most recent UAD drivers, the latest version of reaper, and I'm running OSX 10.6.8.

Has anyone encountered anything similar? It's really starting to piss me off.

Also cheers to everyone celebrating the new year, and the people about to!

Try calling UA support, I have PT 9 and had some issues but they got me sorted. Had quite a few settings I had to change to getc it optimized.