Reaper Pre-recording buffer

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Okay So I'm trying out Reaper today, loving it so far, but is there anyway to have a pre-recording buffer like in Cubendo, so that if I play during the pre-roll a bit before where I'm supposed, it still records the audio?
Slightly OT, but how does a pre-recording buffer help/affect the recording process?

If I put my preroll of 2 bars at bar 64, it starts at 62, and if I play the chord starting at 64 a bit earlier, the transient is fucked and it will sound like shit. It's also really helpul when recording drums to glue the takes.
I don´t know if I understood the question, but when I´m recording on the "record mode: time selection auto punch" (or auto-punch selected items) it does record everything I play before and after the time selection, I just have to drag the media item side to show all that hidden stuff.
As mentioned, it indeed does have it. I always use time selection auto punch. Not limited to some set preroll buffer, however far back you hit play you've got recorded.
It does have that sort of functionality but the workflow is a bit different in Reaper.

Here's a video explaining how to do what you would want to do:

There are a couple limitations that aren't there in Pro Tools and Cubase and for that, please go vote for this feature request:

Thanks for explaining that. I <3 quickpunch mode and wondered how to do that in Reaper.