Reaper profire 2626 error


Nov 6, 2009
Well, my laptop lacks an expresscard slot, so I brought my interface and card to my friends house to mess around with some shit. The interface works perfectly fine on a different laptop, so it seems to be a problem with the laptop settings. Vista 32 bit SP2 by the way.

The drivers and everything installed correctly, and I can see and hear input from the profire in the computer mixer.

However, when I open reaper and set the profire to my default audio device, even though it recognizes it, there is no audio being monitored through reaper, and when I try to play or record, it freezes on a single spot without playback.

It seems like there is some connectivity or setting issue in Reaper, not the computer, since the mixer reacts just fine.

I tried everything I could think, reinstalling drivers, reboot, messing with sample rates, etc.

Any ideas? I feel like there is a simple solution I seem to be missing.
Yeah, I was using the expresscard. I know for a fact it's not the card because a few days ago I used it with a different computer and the interface and it worked fine. And I can see the meter moving when something is played on the computer's profire mixer.

It just seems to be a problem in connectivity between the interface and the DAW, or maybe asio or something. Didn't work with mixcraft either.
Same problem. Although I don't receive errors in initiating the sound device when reaper opens. I changed the routing and outputs/inputs to everything I could think of. It's just like reaper doesn't want to use the profire:confused:
Any solutions? I'm just now trying Reaper and I have Profire 2626 at the studio but using Line UX2 at home. So far, it works great with the UX2.