Reamping with Profire 2626 in Reaper

Got it. I mean I found a small cab that I forgot about, but either I'll be getting sound out of that right? So I might as well just mic the cab.

If you are using the F/X Send on the amp the signal path is broken between the pre-amp and the power amp (If it's a Series F/X Loop, which I think the 5150 is...)

Series FX Loop
Pre-Amp -> F/X Send(Pre-Amp Out) -> Whatever -> F/X Return(Power Amp In) -> Power Amp

Parrallel FX Loop
Pre-Amp -> Switch F/X Loop in and Out -> Power Amp

I think that is correct...

Basically a series fx loop interupts the pre-amp/power amp connect while I parrallel fx loop the connection always exists... I'm pretty sure I have that right..

Anyways, no sound from the cabinet while using the F/X Send unless you have signal going into the F/X Return...
You sir, are bang on the money,
I'll only be using it for personal reasons and won't be charging anybody so I don't see a big deal,

And is this method doable without a re-amp box?
As nsguitar did it without but surely there's an impedance issue?
Jarkko Mattheiszen said:
Read the thread, dude. I said it worked fine, even posted a clip.

I read it, there's a few people getting lots of noise etc was that an issue for you?

Or was it literally in then out how you expected?