REAPER: Punch In/Out and auto-fades between takes

Thanks Skeksis but I prefer being able to determine the punch in pre recording, so the DAW automatically punches in at the desired location. Right now I'm using the time selection to punch in which works decently, but I have to drag the end of the selection way out to the end of the song in order to avoid the audio cutting off when the punch out is over... so basically, I just let it punch in and I have the time selection dragged out so far that it never punches out... basically. :)

Another question just popped up while I'm currently working on my scratch tracks and recording some new guitars. I had recorded a part but failed to do record them in one take so I ended up getting 3 takes which together comprised the part. Then I decided I wanted to re-play it so I simply dragged a time selection over those 3 takes and hit record. I played the riff in ONE take, but still ended up getting those "V" fades from the previous takes. Seems like REAPER doesn't replace items when you record over them... I hate that stuff is being kept in the back of items. I'm feeling so light headed atm, I'm not sure I'm even making sense :D But basically, I had 3 takes, decided to re-record, I recorded over the old takes and played it all in ONE take, but still had some weird fades in the middle of my take. I DO NOT LIKE THAT SIR. How do I stop REAPER from doing that shit? Too busy to lurk around in some manual right now so if anyone knows the answer, I'll send a thousand kisses your way *moah moah moah moah*
Tried chosing "Items always replace earlier items" in the project settings but apparently that doesn't affect it... when I record over old takes, it still applies the fades from the old takes on the new take. Oh well, I'll keep manually hunting down and deleting old takes before re-recording parts and hope that someone meanwhile discovers the answer :D
Great thread, it's been very useful to me!

With all respect to Erkan, I have another question: any idea how to change the bpm in a single track. I'd like that midi runs in higher bmp than the original track. Any ideas about this?

Great thread, it's been very useful to me!

With all respect to Erkan, I have another question: any idea how to change the bpm in a single track. I'd like that midi runs in higher bmp than the original track. Any ideas about this?


Are you referring to having one of the tracks running at a higher BPM than the other tracks in the project?
that's a tricky one. I don't think that's posssible but i could be wrong.

you can do it for a particular item though. Right click on the item, select item properties, then properties from the bottom left of that window and you get the option to tell the item to ignore the tempo of the project and allow it to be set individually to whatever you want
That's exactly what I was looking for. I cannot believe that it was so hidden xD

Thankyou very much skeksis!