Reaper question....


New Metal Member
May 8, 2009
Hey guys, I've read/heard good things about reaper, but I've listened to their internet radio channel and nothing that their users recorded and NOTHING sounded professional but I understand that this could be the individual's skill level.

But I want to know who does and who doesn't use reaper, and why?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I use it at home because it's available to me whereas other options ain't. I've followed it from the early days and gotten very familiar with its feature set.

Also I'm slowly falling in love with it's editing capabilities. It might not have fully-automated tools to the calibre of Beat Detective but I've been editing the fuck out of drum tracks and getting very very good results. I used to think it's lack of audio warping was the one feature I couldn't live without but I've even found a workaround for that that works even better than the Cubase version.
I'm pretty sure Reaper can output professional quality audio, just like any other DAW :P It's not like there is a lo-fi plugin strapped on to the master bus that will make everything you put through Reaper sound like shit so...
Now that's a bunch of bullcrap LOL! It's a fucking DAW, it's audio engine is very good, anyone can use ProTools HD and say their recordings sound like shit because they don't know what the fuck they're doing