Reaper, ReaComp, Makeup gain?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Ok, so I've mainly been using ReaComp for compression and I hear a lot of you guys talk about 'makeup gain' and I was wondering how this works with ReaComp. Would the makeup be the 'Wet' fader, meaning I'd have to push it up above its default, 0.0? Or am I missing something? I've always just let it at default and played with attack, release, etc.
I actually don't even really use the ReaComp very much. I use ReaXComp on a few things, the Tube-Tech CL1B and the Audio Damage Rough Rider.
I don't use Reacomp for my compression needs, except for it's sidechain function. Works great there, and I don't need any other.