REAPER, rendering creates loss of punch and attack

i always noticed my bounces sounding significantly BETTER than when scrubbing through the project... noticed this in Cubase as well before switching. By better I mean brighter and crispier, much more articulation in the way-up-highs.
I had a strange thing happen to me the other day as well. For some reason after rendering, my soundtoys echoboy delay was way off time. Everything was synched to the grid (MIDI enabled on the echoboy). I rendered it multiple times and got the same results. I wonder if it would have the same affect on something like a compression plugin and poof, there's goes your punch and attack. Maybe i should try reaper 4 too.

a plausible theory, but this should be solved by using on-line bounce (instead of off-line render)
darthjujuu said:
a plausible theory, but this should be solved by using on-line bounce (instead of off-line render)

I tried using that, and the file that was bounced was only 4 seconds long and just silence. REAPER 4 was better soundwise, but it just looks weird. I also tried doing an online render on the old REAPER, but the quality still wasn't as sharp as it could be.