
The Acoustic skin is the sexiest skin i have ever seen in a daw!

I don't fear the reaper. Simple and effective. Of course, my production is on par with Kublai Kahn's "Annihilation" album, but still...

hopefully no band members from kublai kahn read this. :cry:
Not true, I use it all the time. I have it set to create a new take everytime it loops. Another nice feature is that you can then "explode" the takes to individual tracks for easy copy-pasting.

Thanks for clarifying this, I was a little confused because I saw loop recording on the wishlist on the reaper website. I guess I will upgrade from Cubase Le to Reaper soon:headbang:
I'm finally feedup with Audition 2.0 !!!!:mad: I started tracking a band yesterday with it and my two Firepods, and when we were done, the tracks had audiable crackles in it. I had it do that from time to time on playback, but it never actually recorded it to disk!!!:ill: It seems to get worst on every project I do. luckly Waves De-Crackle saved my ass!!!

I used to track at 6ms I'm up to 12ms and it is still happening worst and worst. I wont even talk about some of the Audition crashes I've had too.

I think I'm gonna download Reaper and give it a shot. I just hope it is not my cpu or something. It is an Intel E6600 system and it's only like 6 months old.:cry:
hmmm....I've been working with Reaper for a few hours now. I definately am not used to this setup over AA2.0 , but I actually got a better wider sounding mix in Reaper over Audition....wierd huh? Routing is cool. The CPU performace box is handy too. FX defaults don't seem to work or something. FX pop-up boxes suxs! Somethings like entering values into volume boxes and stuff is just a little tiring....freaking pop-up boxes!!! ahhh!!

I haven't tried recording in it yet.

But I was wondering if i need to test my Asio drivers or something? Maybe that is what my initial problem is.....any way to test Asio drivers??
Just got Reaper. I've only messed with it and not done anything too serious with it but it seems good. I like the easy to use layout of it and it seems to function well. Good call on this one!
nah it looks EXACTLY like sony vegas.

That's what I was going to say. I worked with Vegas exclusively at the last studio I was at, and the images of Reaper's main screen brings back memories.

Not to say it looks bad...just exactly like Vegas.

