I'm not complaining about the basic GUI they have for some plugs. I'm complaining about the GUI for certain plugs that is necessary to use them, to be specific. Like need to have the GUI there to load samples. No two ways about it. Right now, Reaper is completely useless to me if I needed something as a backup to Cubase for editing and mixing drums. Reaper 0 - Cubase 1 :lol: jk

I'm not complaining about the basic GUI they have for some plugs. I'm complaining about the GUI for certain plugs that is necessary to use them, to be specific. Like need to have the GUI there to load samples. No two ways about it. Right now, Reaper is completely useless to me if I needed something as a backup to Cubase for editing and mixing drums. Reaper 0 - Cubase 1 :lol: jk


I dunno if this would do the same job, haven't had a chance to try it out yet.