Any Reaper 64 bit users? Opinions?


Jun 3, 2006
I currently have Sonar Home Studio and I'm building a Windows 7 PC with 8 gig mem, SSD, raid 0 and a 6 core processor.

Home Studio is limited to 32 bit. While it will work, it won't give me the memory advantage that reaper does.

I priced to upgrade to X1 and it was $300 for the producer and $200 for studio.

I already have SSDrums, waves, T-racks and other plugs that may make producer not worth my while. And $200 just to get 64 bit functionality seems a little extreme.

So is Reaper any good? $40 seems like a deal.
I use Reaper 64-bit without any trouble. It can run 32-bit plugins by default (no need for jbridge) and I haven't run across any that haven't worked.

Also, you can technically run Reaper in demo mode for an unlimited amount of time, although you must buy it eventually according to the terms of service. I'd recommend downloading it and seeing if it will suit your needs.
It can run 32-bit plugins by default (no need for jbridge) and I haven't run across any that haven't worked.

You sure about that? I have Reaper 64-bit, but I still use the 32-bit version, because some of my 32-bit plugins don't work correctly in a 64 bit host (messed up GUIs and such).

At some point I will start using the 64-bit version to take advantage of the extra memory, but not until all of my main plugins are 64-bit compatible.
Using Reaper 64 for about 6 months now, its walks all over Cubase in almost every way for myself. Much, much more stable with plugin and just daily use. Had some weird shit going on with the monitoring not working with amps sims, Steinberg did jack shit, switched to reaper mid recording session and never looked back. Never tried Cubase in 64 bit win 7 but on Xp it gave me problems so I ditched it. Some Waves shit did weird stuff at first when I switched but now with the new updates its much smoother. The 64-32 bit bridge in reaper is fucking awsome, everything runs way better in 64 bit with reaper.

No GUI problems for any plugs-ins. 85% of my plug-ins are 32 bit FYI. The new version reaper is all I have been using and in the past month + that I've had it it works awesome. Everything seems a little more peppy, and the two full band recording projects that I have done have not had a single hitch.

You'll run into some issues with a few waves plugins not showing the GUI correctly, but it's easily fixable.

Other than that, all plugins work fine for me in the 64bit version.