Reason #14 why is cool

Guthrum said:
So, other than the amazing asses, is this site any good? Anyone have any bad experiences with it? If not, I might try this place out.
I have had several good experiences with them. If you are wary, just make sure to buy from one of the Gemm Certified Bullshit Whatever things so in case things go wrong, you can get your money back. Also be smart when choosing a distro to buy something from, they have a very in depth rating system so you can pick and choose pretty well.
Charles Wagner - Jul 12, 2006 (22 days ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS746253 Sacrilege - Turn Back Trilobite Item Shipped

Rock of Ages - May 09, 2006 (86 days ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS710164 Baphomet - Dead Shall Inherit Item Shipped

VS Music - May 09, 2006 (86 days ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS710163 Morgue - Eroded Thoughts Item Shipped

Total Recall - May 09, 2006 (86 days ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS709968 Seance - Saltrubbed Eyes Item Shipped

GDM Music - Apr 27, 2006 (3.2 months ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS701613 Uncanny - Splenium For Nyktophobia Item Shipped

Import CD Services - Apr 25, 2006 (3.3 months ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS700565 Pariah - Kindred Item Shipped

Possessed by Wax? - Apr 15, 2006 (3.6 months ago) View/Remove Feedback
MS694137 Solstice -uk- - New Dark Age Item Shipped

Granted, there are people who list items that do not actually have them (which I assume is usually by accident of not removing the listing once it's sold or some other unintentional blunder) such as Total Recall and Vendetta, but overall, I've been able to find quite a few things that I've been looking for for some time.

EDIT: ^ musicstack
NADatar said:
I have had several good experiences with them. If you are wary, just make sure to buy from one of the Gemm Certified Bullshit Whatever things so in case things go wrong, you can get your money back. Also be smart when choosing a distro to buy something from, they have a very in depth rating system so you can pick and choose pretty well.

Will do. Thanks.