Rebuilding live rig - best bang/buck ratio


Jan 14, 2011
Hi guys,

so I haven't been playing live for years, due to my schedule/uni/exams. The hardest part will be over in September so I am planing to buy stuff to play live again. I sold EVERYTHING. Had a Laney VH100R, an Axe Fx Std, cabs. So I am pretty familiar with both, analog and digital.
So now I dunno which way to go. After having an AxeFx I kinda don't wanna go back, those options are great! And flexibility...
So for good heavy rhythms and good cleans... what would you get?
Limiting aspect is of course the budget.
My idea:
used AxeFx Std. ~ 800€
used 2x12 Cab ~ 300€
some power amp ~ dunno?!
Midi Behringer FCB1010 ~ 100€

So now you. For recording my needs TSE X50, Recabinet and Komplete 7 for effects suits my needs. That's not a point for me of having an AxeFx.
But I don't know if I can get a decent setup for the same price to get the same results while still having the portability.
With 1500€ what kind of rig would you get?
Just before buying an AxeFx again, I want to make sure to have looked into all the options. I dont NEED all the crazy effects, but letalone having full control over my live sound and sending it FOH sounds awesome to me...

i'd suggest:

Line6 Pod HD500X ~ 480€
Used 2x12 T75 or V30 ~ 300€
Cheap power amp ~ 220€

i wouldn't spend the extra bucks for getting the axefx as the pod can serve you well.

edit: i'd personally skip the cab and the power amp and would use the pod directly to the soundboard. if you want you can also plug it in the venue's amp for monitoring.
Cab and poweramp would be mainly for rehearsals, so I'd get those anyway, but not spend all my money on them.
Yeeeah,... POD, well I had the Pod HD500 and I hated it. Maybe I was too dumb to get good sounds, but since all those basic tools like HP/LP missed I wasn't able to get a sound without fizz and lowend wobble. Plus no IR loader. So much work arounds,... while with the Axe Fx I could just go TS -> Amp -> Cab -> Parametric EQ = Good Sound.
Thanks anyway for the input, but I dont wanna go the Pod route again...
But why? My entire rig cost less than a used AFX second hand and sounds better without the worry of the sound guy fucking it up.

not sure what you mean but if you talk about a "traditional" amp + cab rig i wouldn't agree completely. with the variable of mic and mic position theres way more to fuck up than with a di option. be it pod, kemper or axefx
But why? My entire rig cost less than a used AFX second hand and sounds better without the worry of the sound guy fucking it up.

what's your rig? i would also not bring such an expensive device in a live performance. things are getting crazy some times.
Acutally it got me thinking quite a bit. Maybe I am just going for Ts amp cab, finally. Simple and effective.
I have quite a gas for the EVH5150III 50W... but there is also the Laney Ironheart. If the 5150 were not 300€ more, Id just go for it but so.
Any opinions on both amps?