reccommend an attenuator to me!


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
So i just dropped a chunka change on a ENGL Fireball. booyah. can't fucking wait to play it through muh Orange 4x12! but im obviously going to be recording with it, and i fucking hate setting up mics all the time and moving cabs back and forth and such, so im gunna make some impulses, and use those. but i'll need something to keep my amp from blowing up, obviously! so whatcha guys reccommend? powerbrake? koch load box? something not retardedly expensive (hopefully) but i dont want a cheapy either.
You actually don't need an attenuator at all... ;)

Just leave the amp on standby and use the FX-send. Yup, Engls do that.
There is no need with the Fireball. They will emit a signal in standby mode (you can hear it very faintly) and you can use one of the effects lopp jacks (forget which one) into your interface for impulses! It's a normal feature of theirs. It has something to do with the feature that lets you know when a tube blows.
