Recent Purchases

Fuck healthy. Life is shit so I'm gonna fucking enjoy it with sugar filled chocolate cake!

LOL ,life is alright, could be better shame its so short though, wish i could share your views, if i eat like anything even remotley unhealthy i have to go off for a run or bike ride afterwards
I just bought 2 bottles of Jim Beam, a bottle of Yagermiester, a bottle of Galliano Black and a bottle of Bacardi.
It's all home brew though. But it still set me back $100.

excuse me but are you too lazy to go to the super market twice a week or are you planning a party`?
anyway.. even you got can't type äääääääää use ae

Kamelot - Ghost Opera, The Second Coming
Symphony X - Paradise Lost (Limited Edition)
Symphony X - The Odyssey (Limited Edition)
Opeth - Still Life Reissue
I bought...
-6 jazz 3 small picks
-parkway drive t-shirt
-Parkway Drive - Horizons
-Children of bodom - Tokyo Warhearts(ONLY 7 EUROS :D)
-Children of bodom - Are you dead yet(also 7 euros)
-Norther - "N"
-Children of bodom - Blooddrunk