Recent Update with Henrick


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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You can read the article I read here. Here it is copied and pasted:

EVERGREY guitarist Henrick Danhage recently spoke to about the group's new CD, "The Inner Circle", and their current North American tour with ICED EARTH and CHILDREN OF BODOM, among other topics. Asked if they are trying to come across as "a more emotional power metal band instead of having a science fiction backdrop," Henrick replied, "I don't compare us as a power metal or a progressive metal band. I want to make a point about that - I think we're really different from all those bands. I'm not badmouthing any other bands, 'cause I believe what they play is what they want to do. But I don't want to get caught up in that prog metal shit, because we're not a prog metal band. I could call us a progressive metal band as far as I would say that OPETH or MESHUGGAH is a progressive metal band. But many bands equal standing up and jerking scales. In my book that has nothing to do with music. They're just fucking geeks. But I'm not dissing any bands 'cause they can do whatever they want."

With regards to how they're entertaining themselves on the bus while touring with ICED EARTH, Danhage said, "Alcohol, weed, women, you know - all the standard American stuff [Laughs]. I mean, we share a bus with CHILDREN OF BODOM. They're from Finland. We're crazy Scandinavians. I feel bad for the bus driver 'cause that's not a fun gig. You got 12 drunken people on the bus everyday [Laughs]. It's been good. ICED EARTH treats us really good. There's a lot of stories [about ICED EARTH's egos and being difficult to tour with], but we went into this with a kind of blank eyes. We took it from zero, so we don't care because it has nothing to do with us."

Weed!? I am really disappointed to read that (at least) Henrick abuses drugs. I always look highly upon Evergrey as maintaining a certain amount of class (despite the drinking) but drug abuse is too far as far as I'm concerned.

"They're just fucking geeks." This kind of egotistical statement really is unnecessary. I mean, what a great way to show respect towards other bands in the same style of Metal music! I don't know who the hell he thinks he is but a statement like that is totally uncalled for. This kind of childish behavior shouldn't be tolerated.

I hate it say it but I've lost a good chunk of respect for Evergrey now.
Weed!? I am really disappointed to read that (at least) Henrick abuses drugs. I always look highly upon Evergrey as maintaining a certain amount of class (despite the drinking) but drug abuse is too far as far as I'm concerned. I hate it say it but I've lost a good chunk of respect for Evergrey now.

I read that whole interview and wouldn't cast too much judgement on Henrik's responses. Some of the answers he gave actually made me wonder how much he'd had to drink before the interview ;)

I've partied with those guys on a number of occasions and never saw (or smelled) Henrik or any of them smoking anything other than cigs. As for women, the only single guys on that tour are Jonas and Rikard so far as I know. I would hope they wouldn't jeopardize their relationships when everything they do gets reported to these kind of boards. And the last thing that made me suspect his sobriety, the story about the preacher in sweden he talked about... that's not exactly accurate either. We live not too far away from where that happened.

Drug abuse? Weed?
Well, of the many drugs out there, this is by far one of the least destructive ones. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, not to mention the OTC offerings that seem to have recall, side-effects (anal leakage? lol! yeah- that's desireable...), etc.

Weed has long been a "drug" to aid many medical ailments, whether directly or indirectly (just talk to someone going thru cancer treatment who opted for some relief...). It is like anything else in life: Moderation is key, along with accurate knowledge. Not one overdose death has ever been recorded in the history of this planet with weed. Alcohol, along with many narcotics can not make this claim- can they? The plant "weed" is *harvested* from has other uses as well. Just like corn, beans, squash, etc, it can be grown by anyone with the time, knowledge, and reason to do so.

It's illegality is one of the most absurd things out there.

People are Stupid. Wizard's First Rule.
Faith in anything, including haphazzard statemates with little basis in truth, nearly always requires one to preclude pursuit of knowledge, as that path will many times lead to a weakening of that faith (be it spiritual, political, societal, etc). Self-realization and reliance is oft equated with being "selfish," which has been futher equated with being a "bad thing." Ironically, those propagating beliefs to be taken on faith are often (99%?) acting in a purely self-serving manner (directly or indirectly, beknownst, or unbeknownst when aiding those who have "elevated" temselves).

Anyone who agrees with me, I have these cool uniforms we can wear, along with a certain hairstyle and color, and contacts for eye color, and surgery so we can all resemble a singular picture of perfection (all same height, same nose, etc). I am the pathway, I am the light. Serve me, and I will impart even more knowledge, to save you from the trouble and effort of discovering (or even living) for yourself. I just require an enourmous building, gilded and lofty, which enables me to rule efficiently, and provides a better connection to the creator of our grand world. And I have this cool bridge for sale, has tollbooths on it and everything...
lol, haha

The whole interview makes more sense:

It's illegality is one of the most absurd things out there.

Totally agree on that one nikki k

And I dont see why Evergrey should be role-models, for anyone. It's not like they host any "children sleep tight" show directly. Anyway, apart from that I dont see anywhere that Henk actually SAY they do smoke, and if somebody actually has a spliff from time to time, it's not a big deal. I'm more worried about their drinking habbits ;)

:Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:
apart from that, the thrashing other groups and stuff, I just think is the normal "take it out of sentence" stuff many "journalists" dedicates themselves too. Always think twice before you take something printed for a fact. I do.
There aren`t too much weed and too many women....I sure dont hope so anyway ha ha

peza said:
apart from that, the thrashing other groups and stuff, I just think is the normal "take it out of sentence" stuff many "journalists" dedicates themselves too. Always think twice before you take something printed for a fact. I do.
It is possible he was drunk or something during the interview although I'm still disappointed about the marijuana issue. I do admit I have a strong bias against it since a family died because of a marijuana-realted accident so I don't buy all of this crap about it being safe and such - it's not. Anyhow, it is still sad to read stuff like this.
I know that Tom doesn`t smoke weed...he hates that shit...what the ither guys do...I dont really know...but I dont think they smoke weed that often..almost never I would say...

Oakenson said:
It is possible he was drunk or something during the interview although I'm still disappointed about the marijuana issue. I do admit I have a strong bias against it since a family died because of a marijuana-realted accident so I don't buy all of this crap about it being safe and such - it's not. Anyhow, it is still sad to read stuff like this.
peza said:
apart from that, the thrashing other groups and stuff, I just think is the normal "take it out of sentence" stuff many "journalists" dedicates themselves too. Always think twice before you take something printed for a fact. I do.

Hehe - the phrase is "taken out of context." Right idea, though. ;)

In any case, I don't think it matters what the context is; my reaction was more "so what?" Sue's right in that (I'm rephrasing here) they should consider exercising discretion; with the notoriety comes a loss of privacy. But at the same time, nobody has the right to judge. If they smoke weed, so what? If Henk can't stand prog metal, so what? I think Jon Schaffer is a great big dork, but his nationalistic flagwaving has no impact on my life, or anyone else's.

It's not worth getting aggravated over one person's habits and opinions when they have nothing to do with you.
C'mon guys, they're a succesful metal band on tour in US. What do you expect, drink milk and watch cartoons?
The single guys in the band can do whatever they want, it's wrong to assume they're saints just because you like their music. There are more important qualities to Evergrey, like knowing that child abuse is wrong, fanatic cults are dangerous etc. They make whole albums talking about the bigger problems in our world. Who cares as long as they don't harm anyone and just enjoy themselves?
I met Henrik in Vancouver last Friday, super nice guy. As for the interview, maybe he couldn't make himself clear since English is not his first language? Or he might have exaggerated the tour life just to joke around. Even if he meant it, they're not harming anyone.
We should comment on their music, and leave their lifestyles alone.
Ehh, I'm sensitive on issues like this. I look at a band and look at the whole picture - the music (obviously), the lyrics, the image, the personalities, actions, etc ... If I find out a band abuses drugs I will sell their albums since I do not like having people like that in my Cd collection. All the same, like I said, I am sensitive to stuff like this so I tend to react differently than the average person. Also, it's good to hear Tom does not abuse drugs.
I think he was just making fun of Americans:
Ex: "Alcohol, weed, women, you know - all the standard American stuff [Laughs]".
That's what you always hear about with american bands, alcohol, drugs, etc. Metallica = alcohol upon alcohol; Megadeth = drugs upon drugs. So, I think he was just takin a jab at American lifestyles.
Besides, he was probly a little drunk, and it came out wrong. Makin it seem like he wasn't kidding
Oakenson said:
You can read the article I read here. Here it is copied and pasted:

EVERGREY guitarist Henrick Danhage recently spoke to about the group's new CD, "The Inner Circle", and their current North American tour with ICED EARTH and CHILDREN OF BODOM, among other topics. Asked if they are trying to come across as "a more emotional power metal band instead of having a science fiction backdrop," Henrick replied, "I don't compare us as a power metal or a progressive metal band. I want to make a point about that - I think we're really different from all those bands. I'm not badmouthing any other bands, 'cause I believe what they play is what they want to do. But I don't want to get caught up in that prog metal shit, because we're not a prog metal band. I could call us a progressive metal band as far as I would say that OPETH or MESHUGGAH is a progressive metal band. But many bands equal standing up and jerking scales. In my book that has nothing to do with music. They're just fucking geeks. But I'm not dissing any bands 'cause they can do whatever they want."

With regards to how they're entertaining themselves on the bus while touring with ICED EARTH, Danhage said, "Alcohol, weed, women, you know - all the standard American stuff [Laughs]. I mean, we share a bus with CHILDREN OF BODOM. They're from Finland. We're crazy Scandinavians. I feel bad for the bus driver 'cause that's not a fun gig. You got 12 drunken people on the bus everyday [Laughs]. It's been good. ICED EARTH treats us really good. There's a lot of stories [about ICED EARTH's egos and being difficult to tour with], but we went into this with a kind of blank eyes. We took it from zero, so we don't care because it has nothing to do with us."

Weed!? I am really disappointed to read that (at least) Henrick abuses drugs. I always look highly upon Evergrey as maintaining a certain amount of class (despite the drinking) but drug abuse is too far as far as I'm concerned.
"Drug abuse"? Dude, get a fucking grip.
nunoloveus said:
C'mon guys, they're a succesful metal band on tour in US. What do you expect, drink milk and watch cartoons?
:lol: AAAAAaaamen.
I've spent a night drinking far to many beers with him. He is a cool and grounded person with buckets of humor. What he isn't is sponsered by the Muppets and Barney! I will still get tickets to their next show around s-holm weed or not.

ps. If you were stuck in a buss with COB and the same nerds in your band you would probably need a fair share of beer too, no? :lol:
Geesh, you are certainly depriving yourself of some incredible music. If you dont mind my asking, what exactly is it that concerns you by having music in your collection created by people that live alternative lifestyles to yours? Do you also practice this with other areas of life such as writers (books), directors/producers/actors (films, tv), artists (painters, sculptors, graphic/comic books, etc), Carpenters (furniture, houses, buildings of any kind)...

I can certainly understand you not wanting to use drugs or be influenced by people who have chosen that path, but it just seems much too intrusive on your own life to not allow yourself simple pleasures because of something you cant even see, hear, taste, smell, or feel.

And just a a few points of interest. Most, if not all, of America's founding fathers sponsored the use of Marijuana in many different ways. In George Washington's time it was illegal of you didnt grow it as its value was seemingly endless to that era (and should be to this one, can anyonesay lower gas prices!). Some of America's most beloved documents wouldnt be around had it not been written on hemp paper. I could babble on...and on...but I wont. There is an extremely fascinating history out there for you and anyone else, waiting to be discovered, drug abusor or not. ;)

I've never liked Devin Townsend anyhow ... what I heard of his material was horrible. As for my Cd collection, it is pretty small. I have 93 discs and that is it. Evergrey is the only real non-Power Metal, non-Viking Metal band in my collection. My collection, other than a select few acts, is all Power Metal and Viking Metal.

"Get a fucking grip?" I have a grip on what I consider acceptable and to what I don't consider acceptable. I consider marijuana-use unacceptable. I think I have a good grip on my thoughts here markgugs.