Recent Update with Henrick

sXe = Straight Edge, a trend of the late 90s (though apparently it's been around longer than that) that has largely lost its steam, or at least they aren't as prominent anymore. The sXers largely reject alcohol and drugs (including caffeine) and casual sex, and some go so far as to reject body modifications like tattoos and piercings. Some say the lifestyle is about rejecting dependency and exploitation.

I wasn't too fond of them, personally - not because of the lifestyle itself (whatever works for you), but because of the self-righteous attitude many exhibited: "I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't fuck, so I'm better than you." pfft. Teenage Rebellion Lite.
Jaimek, I hope you don't think I'm self-righteous. I probably came off that way although it is because I do not agree with marijuana abuse. I do not think I'm better than anyone who does it, however, I do not support it.
Naw; you have a right to your opinion of substances based on your experiences, although I think it's kinda silly to boycott musicians who use drugs...
Oakenson said:
It is possible he was drunk or something during the interview although I'm still disappointed about the marijuana issue. I do admit I have a strong bias against it since a family died because of a marijuana-realted accident so I don't buy all of this crap about it being safe and such - it's not. Anyhow, it is still sad to read stuff like this.
I read it as a joke. We have no confirmed proof that he was being serious. Either way, it doesn't change the sound of their music.

Besides, they are from a completely different culture over there where it is legal is some countries.
Oakenson said:
I've never liked Devin Townsend anyhow ... what I heard of his material was horrible. As for my Cd collection, it is pretty small. I have 93 discs and that is it. Evergrey is the only real non-Power Metal, non-Viking Metal band in my collection. My collection, other than a select few acts, is all Power Metal and Viking Metal.
And you think they don't use marijuana? Or more than that? I think we'll be seeing your collection on eBay quite soon.

"Get a fucking grip?" I have a grip on what I consider acceptable and to what I don't consider acceptable. I consider marijuana-use unacceptable. I think I have a good grip on my thoughts here markgugs.
I'm not questioning your decision as to whether or not marijuana use is acceptable to YOU. But to call smoking marijuana "drug abuse" is laughable, no matter how you slice it. You talk about it like it's heroin, or crack cocaine.
jaimek said:
sXe = Straight Edge, a trend of the late 90s (though apparently it's been around longer than that) that has largely lost its steam, or at least they aren't as prominent anymore. The sXers largely reject alcohol and drugs (including caffeine) and casual sex, and some go so far as to reject body modifications like tattoos and piercings. Some say the lifestyle is about rejecting dependency and exploitation.

I wasn't too fond of them, personally - not because of the lifestyle itself (whatever works for you), but because of the self-righteous attitude many exhibited: "I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't fuck, so I'm better than you." pfft. Teenage Rebellion Lite.
FYI, "sXe" has been around a LOT longer than the late-90s; it was born in the New York Hard Core (NYHC) scene of the early 1980s. Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat was one of the most famous straight-edgers.
markgugs said:
I'm not questioning your decision as to whether or not marijuana use is acceptable to YOU. But to call smoking marijuana "drug abuse" is laughable, no matter how you slice it. You talk about it like it's heroin, or crack cocaine.
It is. In Sweden smoking marijuana is a drug abuse and illegal. They don't rank it as a "heavy" drug such as cocaine or lsd but it is still considered a drug.
You're missing my point.

NO ONE is debating the legality or illegality of marijuana. Marijuana cannot be a "drug abuse." It's a drug, yes, that's a given.

Drug ABUSE indicates that in using, you are ABUSING the illicit substance. Marijuana is not even a tier 1 drug (i.e. cocaine or heroin, or even most hallucinogens).
I think we've got a difference in context here. Literally/technically speaking, use of any drug listed as illegal is considered abuse - that's what Strahd is trying to say, I think.

Mark's taking a more philosophical direction - rephrasing, that it's not abuse unless it's out of control.

I don't see an issue with recreational marijuana use, given that it's put under the same restrictions as alcohol; if you cause injury to someone while under the influence, then you will pay the consequences for that, not for use in the first place. I have, however, known people whose use of marijuana was totally out of control; one of them was in college for six years and ended up going for a seventh because he was so busy smoking up that he half-assed his thesis.
Well, I read that quote from Henrik as a joke. Isn't it quite obvious? Sure, he could be serious, but I'm definately picking up some sarcasm there.

As for dissing progbands, well, basically I agree with what he says. Just take the latest Dream Theater album, for example. What the fuck are those guys up to as of late? I have yet to hear from anyone that really appreciates all that "jerking off to scales" (atleast on that album).

Don't get me wrong, though. I own all of Dream Theater's albums and love their music. It's just that they go way too far sometimes...
I think Henk just needed to blow off some steam...he's been very stressed out with the touring and drinking! LOL
How would you like to be stuck on a bus with about 15 sweaty guys and ONE toilet???
I can't believe people actually take the time to analyze some stupid sentences in such depth. So what if they somke weed, so what if they don't.. I really couldn't care less.. I myself smoke weed from time to time.. Does that make me a bad photographer or a lesser person?? Maybe it would be better for you to not look at the pictures I took, who knows I have a hidden message in there that tries to convert you to smkoing.. Djeezus, just let other people do what they want when they want it. As long as nobody gets hurt, I don't give a flying fuck..
KB: Was that your first U.S. tour?

HD: Yeah, I mean we’ve been over in the States like five times before doing the Prog Powers fest [and other metal festivals]. That was our first tour in the States. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys in Denver. You have a Walmart down there?

KB: A Walmart?

HD: Yeah, and next to that do you have a sandwich shop, the name is Heavenly Ham? That was probably the best sandwich I had in my whole life! [Laughs] That’s what we’ve been talking about when we go into Colorado; we’ll go to Heavenly Ham. It’s fucking crazy! We want to be endorsed by Heavenly Ham [Laughs].

OK, haha yeah I think he wasn't beign serious, and I really hope those statements about progmetal were under the effect of the alcohol, not because HE dislikes "instrumental masturbation", but because it makes Evergrey (yeah, the whole band) look like some unproffesional punks trying to bash other bands. That's the kind of stuff that you should keep to yourself.
I heard that was a phone interview and how things can get fucked up in translation is very possible. Even if it is all word for word, Henrick would not have to explain himself because his opinion is valid no matter what, just because people don't agree with it, that's their problem.

I read that some IcedEarth dude was very dissapointed with the Blabbermouth "journalists" and actually challanged their credibility. Seems like he (journalist) put everything the way he wanted it just to make it more shitty or whatever.

Why dont just someone ask Henk what the fuck he meant, or if he even had that interview ? Personally this is the only comment I gonna make regarding this, cuz I think it sucks. Evergrey rules either way.