Recent US politicals developments

The political science student in me is fascinated by all this, but this is still an awful day for the Constitution. Probably gonna get uglier as darkness descends.

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Coming from a Republican.....these people are fucking idiots. I really have no other words for it.

However, it is hypocritical that the left is upset at this riot/protest when they've been rioting and protesting the last four years and didn't condemn a damn thing. Antifa anyone? How many cities and buildings have leftists burned since Trump was inaugurated?
...........when they've been rioting and protesting the last four years and didn't condemn a damn thing. Antifa anyone? How many cities and buildings have leftists burned since Trump was inaugurated?

Defund the police, huh...
I'm seriously not here to argue. I'm here for the laughs. These morons wont be smiling at trial.

It is telling no one has been arrested that Ive heard. But one woman was shot and killed.

Today’s events are embarrassing for sure but I like to think that these few hundred (thousand?) people don’t represent the rest of us Americans.
It is telling no one has been arrested that Ive heard.
so what do you mean by "it is telling" exactly? what is it telling you? because it could mean a couple of different things

1. the police, for whatever reason, are surprisingly tolerant of a group of anti-democracy protesters' attempt to disrupt the democratic process of the united states

2. maybe the police -- clearly underprepared early on in the situation -- is smart and realize that this is a powder keg with a lit fuse and it they use force in the wrong way during this unprecedented attack on american democracy, they could escalate the situation and shit could get real ugly, so they decide to de-escalate instead by chilling a little with the arrests and using as little force as possible

3. these anti-democracy protesters are fine folks who the president loves and sympathizes with, and clearly more well-mannered than blm protesters and therefore, those people thugs antifa deep state something something hillary's emails

also, actually: 52 arrests and 4 dead as we speak
Number 1 but add that the protesters were honkies.

Yeah but 4 dead and 52 arrests isnt much when you see what took place
Yeah I was about to say, why are people pretending like these rioting dipshits were treated with kid gloves? A woman was shot dead pretty much immediately.