Recent US politicals developments

For months, years even, idiots from all sides have incited violence and damaged everything from homes to small businesses to government buildings. But yesterday, just what did they think they were going to accomplish? The protests and riots leading up to the election at least served some purpose in influencing votes one way or another. But throwing this temper tantrum after the election is over (wayyyy over) served no actual purpose -- just highlighted stupidity and nothing more. Just a big ol' WTF.
I mean they clearly think it serves a purpose. They think the presidential and georgia election was a fraud and that they are being held accountable by them.
On days when I'm feeling extra saucy I go back and read some of the Federalist Papers just to keep my revolutionary spirit limber, but today the equivalent seem to be poorly phrased Facebutt memes. "Alternative facts."
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My 8th graders had some good takes today: "chaotic" "foolish" "dangerous" "horrifying" "Irrational" (that was a 6th grader) and "other countries are probably laughing at us" --then we looked at some of the quotes from former presidents (and Romney's quote). ;)
I mean they clearly think it serves a purpose. They think the presidential and georgia election was a fraud and that they are being held accountable by them.
This right here is important. One of the biggest issues ith Stuff Today is that both sides on any issue tend to see the others as a different breed entirely, and noone even tries to understand the other viewpoint. That way, shit aint gonna get better yo.
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I don't have a lot to say about these particular events and I don't have any desire to debate "politics" as such. I'll simply give my long-term view of things:

The American Republic, in any meaningful sense, has been dead for a very long time. This government has been a farce since long before we were born - nothing more than a sad and pathetic parody of what it was intended to be. Our politics is fractured and poisonous (we have no real political culture). We have no unified values or culture but rather at least two broad and diametrically opposed systems of thought (imbued with dogmatic religiosity) that are irreconcilable in the current system. Worst of all, federalism (which was the primary safeguard allowing such differences to co-exist in one Union) has been largely gutted and destroyed. Leviathan grows, more and more decisions are made at the federal level, and national politics becomes accordingly apocalyptic. Short of a genuine restoration of federalism, the only likely outcomes are secession or the suppression of one side which will likely lead to violence (and that may happen in any circumstance). My hope is that the nation will peacefully separate into smaller confederations which govern themselves but maintain trade and a military alliance. This is, however, unlikely to happen because it appears to be human nature to desire violence, centralization, and control at the expense of peace and allowing self-determination and autonomy to others.
I would be okay with Texas seceding from the Union. In fact, it's been on the ballot before. The US will never allow that to happen.
This right here is important. One of the biggest issues ith Stuff Today is that both sides on any issue tend to see the others as a different breed entirely, and noone even tries to understand the other viewpoint. That way, shit aint gonna get better yo.

of course! But these inbreds are doing it all over a conspiracy theory spouted off by a cult of personality. Facts matter.
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cult of personality

Trump has garnered a lot of irrational worship but I wouldn't discount the possibilty of his supporters' discontent running far deeper and cristallizing itself around other figures in the future. There are gaping divides reopening in the Western world (America is forerunner but not alone in this) due to the conjunction of crises and the dramatic reversal of the post-ww2 general improvement of lifestyles. All of a sudden we find out that 40% of Americans are poor and 40 other % in danger of becoming poor. I wish Biden good luck making the country "whole again" because imho shit hasn't hit the fan yet.
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Trump has garnered a lot of irrational worship but I wouldn't discount the possibilty of his supporters' discontent running far deeper and cristallizing itself around other figures in the future.

Oh, absolutely. I don't discount the very real possibility of a "Super Trump" in the future who is a lot more savvy and insidious, also hiding behind populist ideals.

There are gaping divides reopening in the Western world (America is forerunner but not alone in this) due to the conjunction of crises and the dramatic reversal of the post-ww2 general improvement of lifestyles. All of a sudden we find out that 40% of Americans are poor and 40 other % in danger of becoming poor. I wish Biden good luck making the country "whole again" because imho shit hasn't hit the fan yet.

You can blame Neoliberalism for that.

Biden is just another corporate politician. It'll be more of the same minus all of the theatrics, brazen tweets, and dog whistles. Admittedly, it'll hopefully be better than the past 4 years but it all happened for a reason and, like you said, isn't going anywhere. The trends around the world are proof. Trump isn't the cause, he's a symptom of much deeper issues.
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i think it's very likely that whatever sane republicans remain will do a swift 180 any day now and pretend like they never liked trump to begin with

and then trump will start the maga party or some dumb shit like that and take all the crazies, his sons and ivanka with him

so even if they throw trump in jail or whatever happens, he'll just become a martyr for The Truth. The Movement has started and will not stop

but i mean, on the bright side, at least you'll FINALLY have three viable political parties
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