Recent US politicals developments

yeah, thats why i pasted it. the link to MA doesnt even mention national socialism in the lyrical themes. I doubt the writer did their homework.

the walknut album is really good, btw
i mean i would wager that the people behind walknut are probably leaning pretty right wing and nationalist, judging by other projects they've been involved in, but

1) that is 1a) conjecture and 1b) not the same as being an actual nazi -- it is not actually illegal or immoral to be a nationalist

2) you have to be able to separate art from artist and walknut the band clearly has nothing to do with nazism, you could just fuckin read the lyrics

so if you're casually going to be throwing out nazi accusations because the band is called walknut then you are 100% a part of the problem.
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i mean that depends who you ask, innit

as you know, nationalists here in europe are simultaneously more successful and more vilified than in a good while

i don't enjoy the division that brings with it, i wish everyone would just get along and let each other speak, but like the trans panic in that other thread it's just another one of those things that i'm sure will eventually settle into some manner of reason and sanity. i think here in sweden the debate on these issues is a lot more calm and nuanced these days than, say, ten years ago
That redneck viking guy has nipples too, and we all know that nipples have well-established links to white supremacy.
Jon Schaffer, Columbus, IN, has been arrested in connection to Jan 6 incident at the U.S. Capitol. Schaffer faces 6 charges including engaging in an act of physical violence in a Capitol building. Schaffer was allegedly among rioters who sprayed Capitol police with 'bear spray.'"

These are the six charges Schaffer is facing, according to the FBI Indianapolis Field Office:

1) Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority

2) Disrupting the Orderly Conduct of Government Business

3) Knowingly Engages in an Act of Physical Violence Against any Person or Property in any Restricted Building or Grounds

4) Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building

5) Engage in an Act of Physical Violence in a Capitol Building

6) Parade, Demonstrate, or Picket in a Capitol Building


stick a fork in him, he done. guy was carrying capsaicin "bear spray" and attacking police officers with it

career ruined and 10+ years in jail; a glorious burden indeed
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eh. I think it's hilarious. still do.

these "leaders" are all coming out and saying "we thought we were goners" and shit. What happened to being a leader and having guts? I think our forefathers would have been more embarrassed of the lack of fighting back from elected officials than a few rabble rousers with bear spray, a chewbacca costume, and stealing an envelope.

We always complain about our governments, yet when this stuff happens, we are all like "how dare they attack the capitol!"

sure, I am simplifying things and being a semi devils advocate, i admit. I mean cmon, the last 4 years have been a reality show. did anyone really expect this not to end like this?

btw, the 1st demons and wizards cd is pretty good.
Again, these backward-ass morons breached the capitol over CONSPIRACY THEORIES, fomented by our very own PRESIDENT no less. Then they try to gaslight and project fascism onto the other “side.” The fuck?
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Dang, so I guess now isn't the time to be seen shopping for bear spray or to have it in my Amazon cart. Just didn't want to get attacked by wild boar on the nature trails, seriously.
Yeah I carry bear spray every time I go to the forest. Although it's really for mountain lions since they try to eat you sometimes. Bears 'round here just want yer potato chips, for the most part.
We've got mountain lions here, but I've never seen one. Saw a bobcat on the trail once, but he/she was chill. Main concerns for me are the piggies and coyotes. The trails I go to are next to a landfill, and that probably attracts them to the area even more.
I've never seen a mountain lion either, but I have been stalked by them a few times. Finding fresh tracks on the return hike is pretty wild, and makes me go "well I'll be going now, forest is yours!"

Apparently we have boar here, but I don't know where. Bobcats as well, I've seen them once or twice.

Coyotes are everywhere and wander suburbia sometimes, but I am a coyote myself, so I just howl along with them most nights.
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i think it's very likely that whatever sane republicans remain will do a swift 180 any day now and pretend like they never liked trump to begin with

and then trump will start the maga party or some dumb shit like that and take all the crazies, his sons and ivanka with him

so even if they throw trump in jail or whatever happens, he'll just become a martyr for The Truth. The Movement has started and will not stop

but i mean, on the bright side, at least you'll FINALLY have three viable political parties
reminder that i called this
kind of a "clever" move as well because if he's the leader of another party then when all the lawsuits and trials start he can spin it to look like the Establishment is Destroying Democracy by persecuting the Political Opposition and millions of people will eat it up
again, im here just for the lulz. it would make for good reading.

here's how i picture Applesauce Joe within the next four years in the white house: