Reclusiam ... "Enigmatic Funeral Doom"

Erik said:
"The weeping willow is weeping"
-- Anathema, via the Department of Redundancy Dept.

spaffe said:
So you liked that LP? I found it pretty damn awful myself, hopefully the lazy bums at the postal service will deliver the Satyricon CD to me on monday:bah:

Dude, I think its awesome! Not as good as Tuatha Na Gael by any measure, but it sure rocks.

Doomcifer said:
He also lives on a street called "Weeping Willow Dr."

How doom is that?!

Haha! I thought this as well when I made up letter and the money for him! That's so doom.
Demonspell said:
Is that address anywhere near the intersection of Omnio and Kairos? :)
I dunno, all I know is it's located deep in the woods


Anyway Reclusiam rules, listened to the album probably four or five times now, it WINS
Sorry to revive a 4 year old thread, but this is Ryan from Reclusiam with a "link fix".

The entire album is back online and available for download FREE OF CHARGE at -- so if you missed a chance at downloading this in '04, grab it.

It's slow. It's doom. It's free. 'nuff said.
Missed it the first time around, so downloading now. Been stoned and needing some good funeral doom lately. Thanks.
Haha, not trying to be a dick dude. I just don't understand the attraction of doom. It's very non-metal in theory as well as being extraordinarily anticlimactic.
Haha, not trying to be a dick dude. I just don't understand the attraction of doom. It's very non-metal in theory as well as being extraordinarily anticlimactic.


Yeah, after you get past the fact that the VERY FIRST metal album was pure "fucking" doom.