recomend me few bands (preferably non american)

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HeBeHu said:
What you should do is check out now sadly broken up Finnish death rock band :

Babylon Whores - King Fear
Babylon Whores - Death of the West

Actually, I think they are just on a break. A long one though... That's what read on Spinefarms page a while a go, and that's something you might at least interpret from their homepage at

Anyhow, yes, check them out. They must be the most under appreciated band in Finland. All the albums true masterpieces of death rock, including the first one Cold Heaven, and some seriously twisted lyrics.
Just a thought:

Could this thread be even a little bit more interesting if people said something about the bands they are promoting? Hearing just a name of a band makes no difference to me at least, I won't recall it after a couple of minutes. If someone gives a proper reasons why I should listen to a band, I just might get interested.

What kind of music?
Which are the best albums and song to start with?
Any other notable details?

Try it sometime.

On a larger note:

In my opinion one line/word posters should be kicked out after just a few posts like that just to keep a board readable. And that goes for every messageboard. Then on the other hand, I'm just a dumb ass newbie here, so don't listen to me.

[size=+2]THEIR - as in "the cat is their prized possession."
THERE - as in "the cat is over there."
THEY'RE - THEY ARE. that is it. it means THEY ARE..nothing else. as in "they're going to cut off your johnson if you don't understand this."[/size]
deliverance said:

[size=+2]THEIR - as in "the cat is their prized possession."
THERE - as in "the cat is over there."
THEY'RE - THEY ARE. that is it. it means THEY ARE..nothing else. as in "they're going to cut off your johnson if you don't understand this."[/size]

Argyle said:
Just a thought:

Could this thread be even a little bit more interesting if people said something about the bands they are promoting? Hearing just a name of a band makes no difference to me at least, I won't recall it after a couple of minutes.

A helpful hint to you would be to write the band name down and then reseach the many review sites. This has worked real good for me these past few years.
Liquid Tension said:
A helpful hint to you would be to write the band name down and then reseach the many review sites. This has worked real good for me these past few years.

Yes. Good. Thank you very much. I will do that after I'm the least bit interested in a band.

Or as people on this board would probably say:

A helpful hint to you would be getting a life so you don't have to spend your time going through thousands and thousands of band reviews only because someone posted a stupid ass name list on a web forum.

Nothin' personal, I'm just trying to adjust to the forum norms.
Keep on posting them lists all you all.
deliverance said:

it does, when everyone and THEIR mothers use the words incorrectly.

I must say that this thread has become so funny that there are now cheerios coming out of the milk coming out of my nose
Burzum - black metal band
emperor - black metal
windir - special black metal
Immortal - black metal
Bloodbath - Death metal
Naglfar - black metal
Gorgoroth - Black metal
Isengard - black metal

some black norwegian and swedish bands for you :)
tkachuk said:
Burzum - black metal band
emperor - black metal
windir - special black metal
Immortal - black metal
Bloodbath - Death metal
Naglfar - black metal
Gorgoroth - Black metal
Isengard - black metal

some black norwegian and swedish bands for you :)

Next band that names itself after a Tolkein person/place/thing is gonna get such a kickin!
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