Recomend me...


Eternal Cosmic Slaughter
Mar 3, 2004
New Hampshire, U.S.
Some bands (if any) that sound like new Soilwork (Figure Number Five, Natural Born Chaos). Y'know, short,slightly heavy songs which are really catchy and feature almost progish keyboards.

No cheesy Power Metal though...

I'd like to think Soilwork sounds like no other, but that would dissapoint me at the same new Soilwork will hit until '05.
There are definatly bands that sound like Soilwork. Im not knocking them or anything, they are one of my fav bands, and im friends with them, but they arent 100% original =/

You might like the new Raunchy album, they are sorta like a Soilwork rip off, also check In Flames, Evergrey, Dark Tranquillity, and The Defaced
After hearing it, I noticed Skyfire's new disc sounds alot like FNF and NBC, a bit more heavy on the keys though.

But those others bands recomended, don't really sound too much like new Soilwork. In general they do, but no specifically.
Jean-Pierre said:
Isn't getting a cinderblock hurled at ones scrotum the same as listening to both those albums?

Not in my case, but it does tend to happen on occasion when I listen to Metal Chruch though, strange isn't it?.
Hatebreed said:
Not in my case, but it does tend to happen on occasion when I listen to Metal Chruch though, strange isn't it?.

Awww, d00d that was a zinger. I'm just kidding anyway, I love those albums, and N*Flaymes, H8br33d and Chimaira are my favourite bands, not shitty garbage like Metal Church, Vio-lence, Heathen, and Overkill. AND THE HAUNTED, THEY RULE. THEY'RE REAL THRASH, NOT STUPID EXODUS OR MORBID SAINT, LOL.
^^^ Watain is pretty damn good.

I suggest Compos Mentis. Not exactly what you're looking for but you might like them anyways.
Jean-Pierre said:
Awww, d00d that was a zinger. I'm just kidding anyway, I love those albums, and N*Flaymes, H8br33d and Chimaira are my favourite bands, not shitty garbage like Metal Church, Vio-lence, Heathen, and Overkill. AND THE HAUNTED, THEY RULE. THEY'RE REAL THRASH, NOT STUPID EXODUS OR MORBID SAINT, LOL.

Vio-Lence, Heathen, Overkill & Metal Church, four bands who have vocalists who infact sound like their scrotums have been crushed with a cinder block. Annoying wailing bullshit. Vio-Lence has good riffs I'll give them that, but Metal Church and the others riffs sound generic and just boring, really slow shit for what's supposed to be "Thrash/Speed metal's elite". If you want to listen to good Thrash/Speed Metal, at least listen to good shit like early Sepultura. Not that generic, faltsello, factory line riff shit.

Soilwork from 98-01, play faster, and better than those bands you listed. It doesn't sound like processed cheese labled as "metal".
Yeah, actual Metal is processed cheese, thanks for reminding me.

Actually, Soilworks first two albums would have been perfect with a different vocalist and some of that hardcore shit thrown out. The rest is just abysmal shit.

Early Sepultura RULES. At least you got that right. Generic factory-line riff shit, eh? Whatever you say, Hatebreed.
Nekrophilic said:
you will be soon bored with that melodic death crap, I know I was

Its true, it really is. I used to be all over the stuff, now my Melodic Death playlist consists of stricktly the following-

In Flames:
-The Jester Race
-Whoracle (Sometimes)
-Lunar Strain
-Colony (sometimes)

--- and every Dark Tranquillity release. In Flames have very catchy stuff, but aside from The Jester Race (a true masterpiece) their stuff doesn't have a ton of diversity to it. However- Dark Tranquillity have always been progressing as artists with a unique style.

^ Rant for no reason..

by the way Nekro- that is Trym in your sig, no?