Recommedations from the Fringe

Gonzo the Silenced

Sep 23, 2004
San Antonio
ProgPower's great. I've been at ProgPowers 1, 2, and now 5. Each one has been awesome.

But I notice there's a bit overkill on the more 'classic'-sounding 'progressive' metal bands, the type that adhere to the I&W blueprint. Dreamscape and Adagio, for instance. Very good bands, very good musicians, but not stylistically creative.

I'd love to see a completely whacked-out lineup next year, with bands that sound nothing alike. Some recommendations:

Crimson Glory - with both Midnight and Wade Black. Astronomica was too good to ignore. Wacholz would be awesome as well - he made Friday night for me.
Liquid Tension Experiment - first performance outside a NAMM show.
Watchtower - The originators of progressive metal. I've seen this band four times, and their performances are akin to a trip to the zoo. Awesome.
Cynic - Stylistically, this band offered more on Focus than DT did with I&W. And the old lineup played together on the last Gordian Knot CD. It's possible.
Demons and Wizards - can't go wrong here. Hell, if Bobby Jarzombek plays with them, he can hook up with his brother Ron and with Sean Malone, and we can have the meanest incarnation of Spastic Ink perform at ProgPower as well.
Sanctuary - can't go wrong here either, though I sense animosity after Nevermore cancelled the first ProgPower.
Lilitu - Their last two albums have been incredible.
Therion - The closest they've been to the US is Monterrey, Mexico. I say bring them over with a complete string and brass section and a choir.
Labÿrinth - If we need a token 'classic'-sounding power metal band, we may as well make it a good one.
Metallica - kidding
Liquid Tension Experiment actually did a small tour of about four cities. I saw them in LA, the last live performance they ever did. It doesn't seem like anything else will ever come out of this project, as Jordan is in DT now, and there was a huge fallout between Portnoy and Magna Carta. Having said that, some sort of Portnoy project (like OSI) would kill at ProgPower.

Gonzo the Silenced said:
ProgPower's great. I've been at ProgPowers 1, 2, and now 5. Each one has been awesome.

But I notice there's a bit overkill on the more 'classic'-sounding 'progressive' metal bands, the type that adhere to the I&W blueprint. Dreamscape and Adagio, for instance. Very good bands, very good musicians, but not stylistically creative.

I'd love to see a completely whacked-out lineup next year, with bands that sound nothing alike. Some recommendations:

Crimson Glory - with both Midnight and Wade Black. Astronomica was too good to ignore. Wacholz would be awesome as well - he made Friday night for me.

Sanctuary - can't go wrong here either, though I sense animosity after Nevermore cancelled the first ProgPower.
Lilitu - Their last two albums have been incredible.
Therion - The closest they've been to the US is Monterrey, Mexico. I

I agree with Sanctuary and Lilitu...but...Therion? The heroin chic version of Tarja turns me off. Bring Nightwish back next year, if you want to see a woman sing lead.

I agree that there were some band there that were not real creative: the band I hated worst was Edguy, who struck me as a cheesier version of "The Scorpions."

Sorry Glenn, guess you can't please everyone...
I aggree regarding Dreamscape but I can't possibly aggree with someone that says Adagio isn't very creative, I personally believe they're one of the best bands that have been to Progpower so far...

Regarding the bands you cited... after the performance with Kamelot this year, I don't think Midnight will be back too soon (though he is still awesome)... D&W would be awesome, but I don't think it's possible to bring Therion along with the strings and stuff... Glenn has already mentioned that such a thing is not gonna happen...
Now Liquid Tension Experiment would probably fill out an amphitheater, why whould they play at ProgPower?
Creeps said:
Sanctuary is over & done with and since Nevermore tours regularly in the US now they might not have a shot w/ Glenn. I didn't know they cancelled a previous PP. I would love to see them at PP though, I've never seen them or Sanctuary, something always got in my way.
Vanden Plas cancelled in a much more fucked up way than Nevermore did & they came to play at a subsequent show, so cancellation isn't necessarily a deal breaker as far as a band ultimately playing at PPUSA.. :)
Greykiller said:
I agree with Sanctuary and Lilitu...but...Therion? The heroin chic version of Tarja turns me off. Bring Nightwish back next year, if you want to see a woman sing lead.

Hell I want to sing lead at PP!! Okay, so who's looking for a singer? For heavy stuff, I sound like a female Ray Alder :D
Whew, we were discussing this at the radio station last night....

Therion would be amazingly terrific, but....probably will never happen due to logistics. (Same goes for Ayreon, damnitalltohell.)

Cynic would be cool, as would Lilitu.
OK...maybe it's just me, but everytime I read the title of this thread it reads Reccomendations from the Fridge. :Spin:
warmwetos said:
Psychotic Waltz/Dead Soul Tribe



I'm gonna start working on Norm & Brian :) And you know how I get when I set my mind to something!! Seriously, I think if DST got on the bill, I may be able to findangle the PW guys to do a few reunion songs... Hell I'd sponsor DST to have that happen!!
13ShadesofGray said:
I'm gonna start working on Norm & Brian :) And you know how I get when I set my mind to something!! Seriously, I think if DST got on the bill, I may be able to findangle the PW guys to do a few reunion songs... Hell I'd sponsor DST to have that happen!!
OK CG you start working on the boyz and I'll track down Devon (just need a ticket to Austria). Looks like Glenn might have two sponsors if he hooks them up!!!! \m/ \m/