Recommend a PC (Windows)


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I've decided to save all my cash (that I usually spend on booze) and get meself a new computer altogether. This one that I (try to) mix on was built while jesus was a junior in high school, and I grow tired of 32-bit XP.

Your suggestions follow, if meets my criteria:

NOT a Mac. Just personal preference, nothing against Apple. I do own an iPod. Check's in the mail, Steve.

Best core for running a 64-bit OS.

Gonna splurge on RAM, get about 8-12 gigs, needs support.

I use Reaper, half of iZotope's catalogue, Superior Drums, and all the DSK instruments ever. Gotta handle that business with ease.

May your replies be about specific makers; AMD, Dell, HP, what have you. If you're feeling techy, tell me about certain bugs you may have or may not have experienced. I have all the time in the world, hit me with what you got.
Piece one together yourself, that's IMO the only way to go. Guarantees you get the best parts.

I've recently upgraded to an AMD 4 core and couldn't be happier. From what I hear the Intel Core i7 are just as good if not better.

Don't skimp on the motherboard, buy the fastest ram it can handle, 8 gigs is more than enough.

Use the extra money you save up for a pci-e SSD hard drive or 2.
Piece one together yourself, that's IMO the only way to go. Guarantees you get the best parts.

I've recently upgraded to an AMD 4 core and couldn't be happier. From what I hear the Intel Core i7 are just as good if not better.

Don't skimp on the motherboard, buy the fastest ram it can handle, 8 gigs is more than enough.

Use the extra money you save up for a pci-e SSD hard drive or 2.

AMD 4, you say? I shall read into this.
Recommend a motherboard?
I've been wanting to try a SSHD for a while now. I'm definitely going to order one.
I've recently upgraded to an AMD 4 core and couldn't be happier. From what I hear the Intel Core i7 are just as good if not better.

Don't skimp on the motherboard, buy the fastest ram it can handle, 8 gigs is more than enough.

The Intels are a little bit better, but they are over twice the price to the equivalent AMD. AMD has the best price to performance ratio, but they don't make the extreme high range stuff like Intel.

And I have found out the hard way about going cheap on motherboards. Mine had a partial failure that was causing my computer to shut down after it had been on for awhile. Had it not been for one of my IT instructors making a mention of a very rare type of symptom I would have never of guessed that the motherboard traces had cracks on them, when the motherboard got hot it would expand and the traces would open up and my computer to shutdown.

AMD 4, you say? I shall read into this.
Recommend a motherboard?
I've been wanting to try a SSHD for a while now. I'm definitely going to order one.

The Motherboard brand that I would have to recommend is Gigabyte. The quality of their board is amazing, the only difference between their cheaper boards and more expensive boards is not quality, but features/speed like the number of pci-e slots and their max speeds and all that jazz. Look at about the 120-150 range if you are on a budget, that will give you the current fastest chipset with decent speeds on the extra slots (you don't need full on 16x speed on pci-e slots if you aren't gaming), and ATX will give you more PCI slots to work with. In that range you can also use the fastest memory and utilize up to 16GB.

The other company to look to is ASUS, but their QC went to crap after they moved their factories to China and for the past few years it has been Gigabyte that has been revered as the top company for the moment being.

I read ssd's don't work well with music. Classic HD's are enough and it's easier-cheaper.

typical read/write times are faster on SSD's than ther traditional HDD's.
I'm on a AMD and Gigabyte machine too, pretty happy.
But seriously, if I would buy a pc in the next month it would be the new Intel, they have gained their price/value.
You need a gigabyte board to get a TI firewire chipset....but honestly I recently priced out comparable machines with amd hex and intel i7...and the price difference was only 50 in amd's favour...given that and how the i7 accesses the ram bus, I'd go intel....and seriously build one, you'll be happy you did.
Yup, did some digging, found some useful info there. I'll stick with the tried-and-true mechanical parts. I like the analog feel anyway. :lol:

A year ago I would have agreed that SSD's are no good, but they have gone leaps and bounds over the past 12 months.

I'm telling ya, the people that don't like them are the ones with the old style drives, and guys that haven't tried them at all.

I dunno, having things open in a millisecond that would normal take 20 seconds is a deal breaker for me. No more hearing the hard drive working, no more virus scans taking hours, drum programs load full kits in a split second...

I have not had an issue with mine yet.
Splitting hairs here, but all computers are mfg'd in China/Taiwan. All the ODM's are there and all the OEM's just buy designs from them.

ASUS is one block down from Gigabyte on Zhang Jiang lu in Taipei. I would recommend Gigabyte boards first.

The other company to look to is ASUS, but their QC went to crap after they moved their factories to China and for the past few years it has been Gigabyte that has been revered as the top company for the moment being.

As for the SSD's if you're on a budget, put the OS and pagefile on it and a 2TB for data. SSD is 5yrs out from overtaking spindles on cost/space.
You need a gigabyte board to get a TI firewire chipset....but honestly I recently priced out comparable machines with amd hex and intel i7...and the price difference was only 50 in amd's favour...given that and how the i7 accesses the ram bus, I'd go intel....and seriously build one, you'll be happy you did.

Know where I can get a Gigabyte and AMD processor in a combo or something? google isn't helping. I think I'm dead-set on the intel/gigabyte setup.
A year ago I would have agreed that SSD's are no good, but they have gone leaps and bounds over the past 12 months.

I'm telling ya, the people that don't like them are the ones with the old style drives, and guys that haven't tried them at all.

I dunno, having things open in a millisecond that would normal take 20 seconds is a deal breaker for me. No more hearing the hard drive working, no more virus scans taking hours, drum programs load full kits in a split second...

I have not had an issue with mine yet.

That and SSD's because they are solid state, have a much larger lifespan than the mechanical drives. That and the nature of magnets vs static charges means that it takes a hell of a lot longer for a plate to read or write information as opposed to transistors.

Know where I can get a Gigabyte and AMD processor in a combo or something? google isn't helping. I think I'm dead-set on the intel/gigabyte setup.

screw Google when it comes to that stuff. With AMD they keep the platform want AM3 board/AM3 processor and Dual Channel DDR3 memory. just look at the board and make sure your don't exceed the maximum memory clock speed. Just buy the processor and memory to how much you want to spend.

If your not into computers/tech IT stuff building intels is a bit harder, because you the platform changes depending on the CPU you want, and they use what seem to be random numbers (they aren't random but it feels like it). You should go with an Intel bundle if you don't build an AM3 system.

My recommendation though would be to build an AM3 setup and with the money that you save get SDD's. the performance difference from SDD's will be much greater than the between the AMD and Intel. But if your set on having the absolute best platform and don't give a shit about how much money you have to sling to get it, go for Intel (don't ask me what platform to tell you to go for, thats hugely on your budget).
WHOA WHOA WHOA. Split second, you say?

Yep. It reads/seeks so fast that the processor now becomes the limiting factor on how fast things load up.

I will admit though, the one I have is a bit expensive for the amount of space. And it actually is just a raid controller with all the SSD's hooked up to it.

But it smokes.
Know where I can get a Gigabyte and AMD processor in a combo or something? google isn't helping. I think I'm dead-set on the intel/gigabyte setup.

What country are you from?

Newegg is always a good choice, since it's so easy to RMA stuff if your parts end up crapping out. And they usually are cheaper than everyone else.
Well dude to tell u the truth I haven't been paying much attention to the latest gadgets in technology, but my best bet is to go with a Quadcore or higher, and atleast 4gb of RAM. Like many dudes mention here there might be some new Intel stuff out and thats something to look out for also SSD(Something i should look into) but yeah dude if not SSD got with like 2Tb there cheap!

What I currently have
Intel Quad core Q9550 OC @ 3.65Hz
4 Gb Of Ram
Windows 7 Professional 64bit

And so far can complain everything runs smooth(running up to like 10 Amp sims, and loads of plug ins) it handles all that good but then again this is like a 1+ year old machine.

Some sites to look into:
Newegg is always a good choice, since it's so easy to RMA stuff if your parts end up crapping out. And they usually are cheaper than everyone else.

+1 newegg was very cooperative with accepting multiple components for return when I couldn't figure out what was causing my custom build to crap out.