Recommend me a mid priced Jackson pls!!


Jan 13, 2009
Guys, been thining of getting a Jackson, I already have my trusty IBANEZ PGM 301 and it sounds Fantastic and plays like a dream - however the Gtr buying bug has got me and I find these babys tasty!!

Im thinking of the dinky series...
Floyd rose > "maybe" Emg's or Seymour duncans - even stock pups would do me!!
Price? Honestly, I wouldn't wanna get any Jackson under $800, I'd much rather get an ESP LTD or Schecter, better quality IMO/IME
Price? Honestly, I wouldn't wanna get any Jackson under $800, I'd much rather get an ESP LTD or Schecter, better quality IMO/IME

Couldn't be wronger IMO/IME :loco:

dk2m's are pretty good and a few shops over there a blowing them out, but another 200 hunj and your into usa territory. Otherwise, used slsmg/highend jap jackson.
+1 to Schecters. I own two schecter 7 strings, my favorite being the loomis fixed bridge model, and they are incredible. I prefer them to an Jackson that I have played. (Please note thought that I do not own a 6 string electric guitar currently and haven't for quite some time)

I would get a schecter, carvin, or ESP/LTD before a lower end jackson......
guitar center is selling jackson dk2m for 400 now was at 600 last year great deal!:kickass:
Well, the Jap made Jacksons may not look as flashy as many LTDs or Schecters in that range, but their quality is more than on par IME.
Price? Honestly, I wouldn't wanna get any Jackson under $800, I'd much rather get an ESP LTD or Schecter, better quality IMO/IME

just a differing opinion for this ... my main guitar is a mid-level Jackson Kelly, probably cost no more than $600 brand new (I bought it a little used). I put about $200 into it, overhauled, frets ground, and SD Fullshred pup. I value that guitar as almost as much as my own dick. I've had it for over 10 years and it has NEVER let me down. Sounds great, plays beautiful and I've beaten the hell out of it (again, like my dick) and its emerged stronger than ever for all the abuse (insert joke here). A few dings here and there but the neck is still arrow straight, and it holds tune fucking beautifully

has a low profile floyd that I had to replace once because of my own stupidity. Other than that, I've played much more expensive guitars and I would never trade my Jackson for one of them.

just my opinion ;)
It's mostly the prevalence of licensed Floyds (on the DK2M, for example) that makes me nervous, but I'm glad yours has served you well Carlos!
jackson rx10d , but the pickups seriously suck. duncan design crappage. neck is nice and fast and the jackson FR is not too bad on the guitar.about 600-700 bucks (euro)
It's mostly the prevalence of licensed Floyds (on the DK2M, for example) that makes me nervous, but I'm glad yours has served you well Carlos!

I'll be honest, I can't say for sure if I just got lucky with this thing or not (I only paid $250 for it) but I've played so many (and owned quite a few) different guitars ... I always came back to the Jackson.

I know what you're saying with the Floyds though... valid point. Better that than a Kahler though ;) For me anyway hahaha
Guys thaks for the input on this -

@ metaltastic - Hi man, any reason for feeling nervous about the Floyd rose? I think i know what you mean in regards to It can be a pain in the arse when re stringing etc - also Played a charvel once w/ Floyd rose and it was uncomfortable when Palm muting (also sent the tuning sharp by doing this)
Would the locking nut actually keep the tuning solid when not using the Bar(dont intend to at all) this is one of the main reasons im thinking of getting a dinky with a locking nut (for the solid tuning)
Forgive my lack of Floyd rose knowledge im not a guitar noob - just always used a fixed bridge.

How often / long are you guys stretching your strings?? im doing it each time after i tune up - then re tuning - then i start recording - if i dont do it this way - I will end up hitting a power chord and it will be slightly out.
BTW checked the intonation and its 98% perfect.
Guys thaks for the input on this -

It can be a pain in the arse when re stringing etc - also Played a charvel once w/ Floyd rose and it was uncomfortable when Palm muting .

if you don't intend to use the bar you have very little to worry about. You can even just have it locked down. I don't use the bar either, I just love the feel of the floyd, I actually use it by changing the pressure on my right hand when rhythym playing ... push back a little harder and you get just the smallest increase in string tension which can let you fly over complicated patterns. The main thing though that really sold it for me was the low-profile FR. Your hand feels almost level to the guitar itself and it makes a big diff. String changing is no big deal, especially if you have the trem locked down but even if not, once you get used to it it should take you no more than 1/2 hour to change and tune up (with stretching)

sorry, didn't mean to hijack the question for Marcus :kickass:
Hey it's cool man , any help is welcome - you see i've been playing for about 14 years - and am competent enough now i can play Some yngwie stuff - most Metallica stuff - "Some" Paul gilbert Solos- up to speed and im happy with my playing BUT... I've always had this nervous paranoia thing about re stringing and staying in tune No matter what guitar i have , yep im nuts
Ive had a DXMG for a good few years now and its a great guitar if you replace the pickups and trem :) The neck is really nice and it sounds good with some decent pickups in, so that depends on if you want to mod it up slightly then its a quality purchase! and cheap :)
if you don't intend to use the bar you have very little to worry about. You can even just have it locked down. I don't use the bar either, I just love the feel of the floyd, I actually use it by changing the pressure on my right hand when rhythym playing ... push back a little harder and you get just the smallest increase in string tension which can let you fly over complicated patterns. The main thing though that really sold it for me was the low-profile FR. Your hand feels almost level to the guitar itself and it makes a big diff. String changing is no big deal, especially if you have the trem locked down but even if not, once you get used to it it should take you no more than 1/2 hour to change and tune up (with stretching)

sorry, didn't mean to hijack the question for Marcus :kickass:

Nah, no worries dude, you pretty much summed it up :) Specifically though, it's not all Floyds I don't like, just inexpensive licensed varieties of questionable quality, cuz they often sound brittle and don't pivot very smoothy, which can make tuning difficult. However, this really doesn't matter if you block the bridge (which I would advise doing), so yeah, I say go for it and cram a piece of wood in the cavity to keep it still!