Recommend me an axe


Jun 13, 2003
Waltham-on-the-wolds, England
I've been playing electric guitar for about 4 years now and i'm not bad at all. I have a Washburn Dime333 which I think is really good but the higher i go up the neck the higher the action gets (have already tried getting the action altered by my uncle who has built guitars but its already as low as possible). This makes it hard to play fast stuff so I was wondering if anyone could recommend me some guitars to look at that have a low action/good for metal. (by the way I hate gibson necks, they don't suit my hand at all, can't get used to them so a neck like my Dime) My friends dad has an Ernie Ball music man and an ibanez that used to be Petruccis and I have played them both and they are superb but I don't have the De Niro for those so I'm thinking a max price of 1000 quid ($1800)

Spanks for any help :)
$1800 will get you a great guitar. With that amount why don't you have a luthier build you one? Or maybe order something suited to your needs from Warmoth or USA Custom Guitars.
Maybe the cheapests Neil Moser would be in your price range :)

Otherwise you might want to wait to have enough for one of those beauties.
you can get a lower end PRS for about that price. i love their necks, they are super fast and the action is always low. when i went out to paly guitars last week, i played:
bc rich

out of all of those, prs seemed the fastest and is no doubt the best in quality.
HAHAHA @ Bobvex......

Well, I would have to tell you to check out Ibanez or Jackson, because they both make fantastic guitars for metal/shred. Have you tried a JEM?? If you could buy one even used, you could have your uncle set it up(unless you're not stupid) and you would be flying.
with $1800 you can get some fucking sick guitars. definately check out higher end ibanez, those things are fucking beasts.

seriously, most ibanez guitars over 500 bucks are good, and they just get better as the price does, ibanez does get a bad rep tho because of the cheap guitars they make, but you can get really good instruments from them.

you should also check out some esps

try and stay away from companies where 1000 would be their cheapest, cause companies like that usually just use the brand name to boost the price, when in actuality the guitar should be like 500 max.

schecters are really good too, and they arent taht expensive, a good idea would be to buy a schecter c-1 classic or stealth, and depending on whether or not you want one, have a floyd rose put in, and you can even do tons more stuff with the type of money your gonna spend.

good luck
Yeah, for $1800 US you can have a USA Jackson imported from a number of US dealers.

One thing has changed since FMIC bought Jackson, and that's Quality. I have yet to hear of one issue at the Jackson forum since the buyout. For about $1300 +shipping and taxes, you can get a standard USA Jackson, made by the same people who make the customs. Great guitar, best fretwork and lowest actions.

Sure you can get a high-end MIJ Ibanez or ESP... but remember, those companies PAY their endorsee's so any money you send them helps to pay the people who play them professionally. Unless you're Dave Mustaine, Jackson endorsees BUY their own guitars at cost from the company, and endorse Jackson only because they love them, not because they expect royalty checks.

Then again, I AM biased. ;)
Benzine said:
My friends dad has an Ernie Ball music man and an ibanez that used to be Petruccis and I have played them both and they are superb but I don't have the De Niro for those so I'm thinking a max price of 1000 quid ($1800)

Spanks for any help :)

Before you make your final decision make sure you check out Peavey's lineup of guitars. Peavey has been making leaps and bounds in their products over the last several years.

I am not a fan of the body style of the Wolfgang (Eddie Van Halen model) but the guitars play great. They also have a "V-type" model which is based on the Peavey Vandenburg. They have been making that model for about 15 years and they keep improving it. While the standard V-type wouldn't be my top choice if I had $1800 to spend on a guitar, as the street price of one is about $600, but they have often offered custom models of that like a quilt top etc. (Stephan Lill of Vanden Plas plays a Vandenberg flamet top for example) I played a Vandenberg quilttop at a local music store about four years ago or so and I left there with my mouth hanging open. It was the best playing guitar I have ever put my hands on and looked gorgeous as well. Plese note I am already a Vandenberg owner so I am a bit used to the body and neck scale etc. but I was very impressed.
