I got a used Omen 6 (Diamond Series, which I am pretty sure is Shecter's low end line) a while back, and though the neck seems reasonable and it isn't a bad guitar, the strings are WAY too low. The nut is a touch over 1/4 inch high from the bottom part of the neck, but considering relatively deep string slots in the nut and the thickness of the neck board itself, the strings end up leaving the nut at more or less the EXACT same height as the first fret. This requires me to set a really high angle for the strings (aka: set the action extremely high at the bridge) to clear the first few frets without something buzzing, and that leaves the action way to high further down the neck.
I am pretty sure the nut is plastic. Or nylon. Or something, whatever they get made out of... it sure isn't bone or anything fancy like that.
1. Is there any way to fill in the slots to raise the strings? I actually put a strip of index card across the nut to raise the strings (hard to describe without a picture) to raise the strings and this is overkill but does indicate more height is what i need. However, index card looks ghetto, makes noise, and the strings leave their slots.
2. The nut is listed as 1 5/8 inches. My measurements say this is reasonable. Would buying a nut made for a Gibson, for example, in the same width work? I have no idea what specifications these have that make them fit or not fit, presumably I want a simlar one that's higher if i wanted to replace it.
Thanks for any help in advance
I am pretty sure the nut is plastic. Or nylon. Or something, whatever they get made out of... it sure isn't bone or anything fancy like that.
1. Is there any way to fill in the slots to raise the strings? I actually put a strip of index card across the nut to raise the strings (hard to describe without a picture) to raise the strings and this is overkill but does indicate more height is what i need. However, index card looks ghetto, makes noise, and the strings leave their slots.
2. The nut is listed as 1 5/8 inches. My measurements say this is reasonable. Would buying a nut made for a Gibson, for example, in the same width work? I have no idea what specifications these have that make them fit or not fit, presumably I want a simlar one that's higher if i wanted to replace it.
Thanks for any help in advance