Recommend me good mitt pitting music!

Mar 18, 2004
Hartford, CT
So I've been into metal ever since I was 13. (I'm 18 now) I grew up with the 2nd resurgence of metal. (Korn, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Coal Chamber) Over the years my tastes have evolved. I now like more aggressive artists like Children of Bodom, As I lay Dying, and Dope. Dope is the band that got me heavily into mitt pitting. (Standing on your hands and flailing your feet to the glorius music coming from the stage) What I have noticed is not too many bands start a mitt pitt! My friend who likes wanking music took me to a Symphony X concert. All the band did was stand their and play as the fans stood idly by with their heads nodding back and forth!

What kind of concert is that!?!?! Slipknot concerts always gather a good mitt pitt. And if somebody can't hold themselves up. We grab their legs and flail them back and forth for them! That's comraderie at it's finest! One big legion of maggots in unison, celebrating our futile existence! Without this form of aggression release, we'd all become suicidal from our every day lives. Shit, I'm sure everyone here knows how pressuring it is to find a date to the dance, or difficult it is to do your homework after a long day 3 hr shift at work. But I digress.

I'm looking for more bands like Dope and old mudvayne. Can anybody help me with this dilemma?

Thanks for the help maggots!
i don't think we're in kansas anymore.

edit: i guess you like nu-metal, in which case go listen to (hed)pe and ultraspank, at least they are decent bands. i have no idea what mitt pitting is, even after you described it.
mitt pitting... sounds kind dumb to me, but meh... i dunno much about that kind of music and what would float your boat for that. however, i will read this post and note all the band names as ones to avoid like the plague.

you almost had me, but i now i know you made it up!
One Inch Man said:

you almost had me, but i now i know you made it up!

i've heard of it before. this radio show i used to listen to in texas, one night the dj was talking about how lame everyone was at the kreator show. moshing, mitt pitting. and he got punched in the face by some kid so he kicked his ass. mitt pitting is the fucking hubble of all hubbles.
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looks like a kegstand, without the keg.

kegstands are gay even with the beer. without? puhleaze.
that's called a hand stand ... if some kid did that at a show back in my days, we'd kick his fucking ass.
and me and my friends (dunno about anyone else) woudl continue that fine tradition lurch. Some peoples kids need a whuppin' to teach them a lesson:

"Don't act like a fucking douche in public dipshit"
Hey! Don't be getting all frisky with me fellas! I take great pride in my music! Mitt Pitting is not the same as hand standing. Mitt Pitting involves kicking your legs back and forth while nodding your head, all while upside down. I bet all you guys were at that sympony X concert. You don't know true talent! Slipknot and Kaleidoscope Killa's are real talent!!!

Bat Shaking (aka Hardcore dancing) is also a great way to let out some steam. Wtf goes to a concert to just listen to music? I can do that at home with my ipod! Download all the free music I want...For free! No outrageous ticketmaster surcharges!

All I wanted to do was to come here and find fellow mitt pitters and even bat shakers. But I see how it is. You guys are too 9LiT3.
are you sure you aren't a fake account? i mean this could be some deep psychological issue coming forth, and the real person inside (or outside) doesn't even realize it.

i'm trying to help you.
ok, who invited this dude here? was it Max? is this Max? ...

i want Profanity back :cry: