Recommend me good mitt pitting music!

The chances of him being genuine are quite possible i have run into one such "maggot". when i was at school who seriously thinks slipknot are the greatest band ever.
He also stated that he would never ever get over them our conversation ended there for obvious reasons.
I am neither this Atlas Shrugged character, nor am I this heathen named Erik. Both of these insufferable forum users belittled me in the General Music forum for asking simple questions as the one that started this thread. I thought this forum was a little more open-minded. I guess I was wrong. Rather than having a simple question answered. I am being lambasted by a bunch of people who are not worthy to hold the maggot association in their name! O.K so you guys aren't into mitt pitting!

I know atleast one or two of you here bat shake! HATEBREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED 4-Life! What are some other bands that batshake like crazy! I asked this on another forum, and somebody said lamb of God. I dled a video, and all it was, was a bunch of kids running at each other at full force! This is not BAT SHAKING!!! I'm looking for bands I can groove to. I took 7 years of Tae Kwon do, and I wish to display my skills at a good gig or two. Recommendations please?
i'd imagine the kidz bop collections are fantastic for bat shaking!
Let me clarify, so you guys can further assist me. Bat Shaking isn't hardcore dancing in itself. It is one of the techniques done, right before you get into the heat of the moment and start doing kempo dancing. It's fun...and very retro.

Here's a pic.
