Recommend something KVLT thread...


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, here is your chance to share with others those bands or albums that you feel are under the radar......

I give you a VERY unknown power metal band from Germany from the late 80s, SALEM'S LAW...

They released just one album.

This band is unique in that they incorporated punk / hardcore style backup vocals in their own brand of power metal...

Requiem For The Innocent show's this Chicago band's roots squarely in the gray area between traditional metal and hard rock, with midpaced straightforward riffing combined with typical (but well-performed) hard rock vocals. A comparison to, say, a slightly harder Queensryche, would not be inappropriate, save the vocals which are less operatic. Reportedly the debut Malice And Tranquillity (not reviewed here) is a bit more adventurous in nature, with progressive tendencies and a bit more diversity in the songwriting.

The band hasn't been heard from in some time and is probably disbanded. Recently a new band, Slick, has emerged, featuring two Radakka members (link below).
Acid Death- Pieces of Mankind


I don't know how Kvlt you would call this album, but I only know of one other person besides me who has actually heard this album. These guys were a fucking amazing band, they were kind of like Death and Dream Theater I guess. I lost this copy and have been looking to replace it for a whie.
Worship - Last CD Before Doomsday (funeral doom)

Definitely an acquired or doom-only taste, though.

Other than that... Hmmm...

Tower of Stone - The Sacred Dragon (just a demo, but it's good stuff IMO)