RECOMMENDATION: Black Debbath - Welcome To Norway

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
Visit site

Duplex Records, 2001

1 The Vikings (The Pioneers of Rock)
2 Mongo Norway
3 Martin Schanke
4 Traditional Food
5 Bunad (the National Costume)
6 The Four Big Ones (Essential Authors and Works)
7 Practical Information
8 A Brief Guide to Norwegian (Pocket Translator)

9 The Leaving of the Land of the Midnight Sun

"Welcome To Norway" by Black Debbath, Norway's finest stoner/doom outfit, has been described as a "groovy, heavy, beer-drinking and ass-kicking guide to Norway". This 2001 release covers all important aspects of Norwegian culture - Oslo nightlife ("Mongo Norway"), literature ("The Four Big Ones"),
food ("Traditional Food"), national costumes ("Bunad") and Norway's finest rally racer and populist politician, Martin Schanke ("Martin Schanke").

"Welcome To Norway" is an excellent mixture of pure talent and fabulous showmanship. Skullcrushing bass, intense vocals, crushing drum attack and heavy guitars are the main ingredients. The lyrics are not to be forgotten either - highly recommended for people who are considering visiting our fine country. A lot of useful information can be found in the lyrics, such as:

"Remember, smoking is strictly forbidden in Norway. Kindly step outside our country if you want to use tobacco. Sweden, Finland and Denmark are considered to be very good ashtrays".

"Norwegian food tastes good....we eat a lot of fish....both raw and rotten....but one thing we don't eat is DEEP FRIED ANUS....IT'S TOO MUCH CALORIES AND TOO MUCH FAT...."

Well, at least Norwegian women are hot.
"Traditional Food" thoughts: more decent boogie heavy rock, a la Fu Manchu. The lyrics are semi-ridiculous though, lol. One song of this style was pretty killer, this is just more of the same. Still decent, but not as "exciting." 7/10
"Practical Information" thoughts: Zoinks, and here is the Sabbath worship. :cool: Musically this is pretty cool, but the "translating" segment in the middle is just stupid IMO. I'm all for some "fun" in music, but come on man! 6/10 overall.
heheh, "mongo norway" is a fun song, the other two are ok but nothing special

prolly not a buy for me but thanks for giving us something a little nutty henrik :p
Heard these songs some days ago, i was gonna post either way my opinion about them (which is pretty positive) but today in a record store i saw a Black Debbath album called "Den Femte Statsmakt". I told the store owner to put it in the stereo for me to listen, i was really amazed and immediately bought it. It is absolutely fantastic, more sabbathic and doomy (still very groovy at times) than this one (and the vocalist more Ozzy like). Also not really "comedic", and more serious. If you even liked a little bit these songs, you will possibly love "Dem Femte Stasmakt".
IOfTheStorm said:
Heard these songs some days ago, i was gonna post either way my opinion about them (which is pretty positive) but today in a record store i saw a Black Debbath album called "Den Femte Statsmakt". I told the store owner to put it in the stereo for me to listen, i was really amazed and immediately bought it. It is absolutely fantastic, more sabbathic and doomy (still very groovy at times) than this one (and the vocalist more Ozzy like). Also not really "comedic", and more serious. If you even liked a little bit these songs, you will possibly love "Dem Femte Stasmakt".

This is fucking awesome, I'm crying and laughing whilst typing :headbang: