Recommendation: Chihei Hatakeyama - Minima Moralia

Furious B

Aug 9, 2002
Chihei Hatakeyama - Minima Moralia (2006, Kranky)


1. Bonfire on the Field
2. Swaying Curtain in the Window
3. Starlight Reflecting on the Surface of the River
4. Towards a Tranquil Marsh
5. Granular Haze
6. Inside of the Pocket
7. Beside a Well

I was just introduced to this album recently by a friend of mine and within the first full listen of this album, I was hooked.

Chihei Hatakeyama is still a totally unknown artist to me, but appears to be a Jap and dabbles in electronica. The whole website appears to be in Japanese or some other slanty-eyed language (???????), not too sure. That’s the most I can gather about the artist.

This album, on the other hand, is stellar. This is far from metal to say the least, but I felt it might be something at least a very few might appreciate. What can you expect from this album? Well, if you get bored easily or are looking for an album that has many quick turns and plot thickeners akin to Fast and the Furious or a David Lynch flick, this ain’t your bag. The music on this album is almost strickly ambient laden with soundscapes and even a few acoustic guitars thrown in the mix. It is somewhat slow going and repetitive, but the music is very beautiful and reserved. Much like I am reminded of Ulver’s Lyckantropen Themes or Godspeed You Black Emperor!’s F#A#00, this album lurks in the background and magnifies your surroundings, the environment, and emotions, subtly and unobtrusively. Unlike said albums, however, this album is not brooding or somber, but rather relatively tranquil all the way throughout. It has an almost dream like feel to the entirety of the piece. The album is great for late night rambling on RC or just to help allow yourself to gaze off into the night because counting sheep fucking sucks.

No vocals. No bass. No drums. A slice of ambient heaven. Check it out.
Furious B said:
sheep fucking sucks.

I can see what people appreciate about this sort of music. It's very well done, and creates a powerful atmosphere. However, it has a quality I find terribly depressing. You know, wrists bleeding, bath tub overflowing with water, depressing. Well done, just not my cup of arsenic-laced tea.

Demonspell said:
Given that Kranky specializes in epic ambient and that they are from their webhost, those must be short excerpts...still sounds good.

I noticed this later after saying this... I'll have to look into it some more later.