Recommendation: Dysrhythmia - No Interference


cheating the polygraph
Apr 29, 2001
dead between the walls
note: This is my first time using Yousendit. Please report any broken links or other problems at once.

DYSRHYTHMIA - NO INTERFERENCE (2001, self-released)
Genre: Tech/prog/math rock whatever, that doesn't forget to rock.


1. Body Destroyed, Brain Intact
2. Craving for Transformation
hear it at:
3. No Interference
4. Circulatory System Overhaul
hear it at:
5. Let You Fall
6. Orbiting
7. Nutritional Facelift
8. Slumlord
9. We Lead the Way
10. Psychic Desolation
hear it at:
11. Four, Five, Six Minutes Late
12. Body Destroyed, Brain Intact (live) 13. No Interference (live) 14. Orbiting (live) 15. Yes, it's kind of an oxymoron (live) 16. Four, Five, Six Minutes Late (live)

Background: Been listening to these guys for five years, long before they gained a cult following on the strength of their supposedly blisteriing live shows, which I have yet to witness. Before signing to Relapse and gaining Behold...The Arctopus's Colin Marston and his disproportionate Warr guitar (if you've ever seen pictures of him playing it, you'll know what I mean...), this excellent strictly instrumental math rock trio released two albums DIY, this is the second...the bonus tracks listed below are from a recent reissue. Their most recent album Pretest gained tons of positive reviews (new one Barriers and Passages out soon, their myspace has a preview), but I feel this effort is much better, ranging from all-out frenzy (first and last tracks), to controlled chaos (the first two linked tracks), and some songs that sound like Rush instrumentals on amphetamines (title track, Orbiting). They also provide two breathers in Let You Fall and Psychic Desolation, the latter of which is uploaded for contrast and relief, and to prove that technical does not necessarily equal soulless...

I've never been more floored by a song than the first time I heard Body Destroyed, Brain Intact. I discovered these guys on years ago and immediately bought both self-released CDs. Soooooo damn good. Seriously, if you don't like this band, you have no musical taste :) Ok, maybe not, but they are seriously good musicians. Jeff Eber (their drummer) plays on Spastic Ink 'Ink Complete', and I will boast that I was the one who recommended him to Ron to fill the missing drum tracks for the one remaining tune. Saw them live in Salt Lake, playing outside a CD store. The police eventually came and made them stop. Not sure how the CD store books concerts without clearing it with the cops, but whatever. They were insane live. Their old bassist was probably the most animated musician I've ever seen.

And, yeah, Colin looks funny with a guitar bigger than him :)
Nice post, Demonspell. I've got both Pretest and No Interference, as well as Behold the Arctopus, and I like everything these guys are involved with.

MadeInNewJersey said:
I can honestly say I hated the 2 tracks I downloaded.

But again, thanks for the reco, Brian.

If I heard it for the first time immediately after getting my face plastered and my neck whiplashed at Heathen Crusade, I'd probably hate it too. At least I know the links are functional now. It's Bryan BTW. :)
Demonspell said:
If I heard it for the first time immediately after getting my face plastered and my neck whiplashed at Heathen Crusade, I'd probably hate it too. At least I know the links are functional now. It's Bryan BTW. :)

Duly noted (about the name), and an excellent point about my feelings coming immediately after Heathen Crusade, lol. :)