Recommendation For You Kindly Folks

Ars Magna

Ars Magna Recordings
Feb 25, 2007
United States
It's not often I recommend things here. In fact, this would be my first official recommendation (if memory serves). On with the show...

The band is Mynjun. I'm terrible at making comparisons so I will just say a few things. First, I've been listening to these guys for about a year now and I'm still as excited about it today as I was when I first stumbled upon them. The music gets the same reaction out of me that Edge of Sanity did when I first heard them...and I listed EoS as my favorite band for years.

The first track in this download is one of the finest songs I've heard in a long time. The riff they go into at approx 1:47 (and again later) is amazing. Songs like this remind me why I have been a slave to metal for all these years. Metal can't be dead when material of this caliber still emerges from out of nowhere.

Their lineup has been fairly liquid through the years but has featured, at times, current and past members of Opeth, Katatonia, Centinex, and Grave (among other lesser-known bands).

Anyway, here's the link. I love this shit. Period. I was listening to this while pulling weeds yesterday and it dawned on me that some of you might really enjoy it. I've been turned on to some great music here so it's time for me to try to return the favor.

Mynjun Download

Mynjun Myspace

Enjoy. :headbang:

Edit: I've uploaded their first two demos for your enjoyment.
Hey, I'm friends with some of the people that have been in Mynjun. Good band :).

I don't think any Katatonia member has ever been part of Mynjun? And the Opeth member must have been David Isberg, who iirc never recorded anything with either Opeth or Mynjun. The now ex-drummer of Mynjun used to be in Centinex and is still in Grave and Demonical though.
Hey, I'm friends with some of the people that have been in Mynjun. Good band :).

I don't think any Katatonia member has ever been part of Mynjun? And the Opeth member must have been David Isberg, who iirc never recorded anything with either Opeth or Mynjun. The now ex-drummer of Mynjun used to be in Centinex and is still in Grave and Demonical though.

I was under the impression that Guillaume Le Huche (old Katatonia) was in Mynjun at one point. It was Isberg on vocals for a bit. Neither he nor Le Huche were major contributors to the material (if I'm not mistaken) but it never hurts to drop those names when trying to get people to check something out. :)
I'll try to post a single track later. My cdr of this material is in my laptop which is in its case which is upstairs...I'm a little lazy. could go to their myspace. The song I would post, A Dismal Token, in on there.

Has anyone listened to this at all? Not interested? Didn't like it?
Not what I expected from the name... a nice mix of old school death metal with the darker atmosphere of Norwegian black metal. I'm digging the hell out of this. Have they released a full album yet?
Not what I expected from the name... a nice mix of old school death metal with the darker atmosphere of Norwegian black metal. I'm digging the hell out of this. Have they released a full album yet?

They've only done 2 demos on cd-r I think, the last one being "Receding strengths".
I don't get any EoS vibes from Mynjun, it's more like Opeth gone darker and heavier.

I totally agree with that. I would say a slightly more atmospheric Opeth with some lovely bouts of aggression thrown in. I'd take these guys over Opeth any day. :kickass:

My mention of EoS was just the feeling I get listening to Mynjun is the same as I used to get when I was first listening to EoS. There is a similar energy in it for me. The material isn't alike at all, but there is something there I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's the slight tingle in the ol nether-regions. :loco:

I was bothering Adam/Mynjun for months to let me release the demos on cd. I promised him I'd stop, though. :lol: I was hoping to give Mynjum the same treatment I did with Black Hole Generator. Put the demo on cd to really get the name/music out there where people can see just how damn good it is. I think it's pretty lame that something this good can go unnoticed for the most part with so much crap out there.