Recommendation: RUTTHNA - Doomsdaylight


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
Bargain bin black metal. No one cared about this album when it was released back in 2005, and I bought it shrink-wrapped recently for just a few shekels. Shame about the lack of recognition, because this is a pretty fucking inspired black metal side-project by members of THYRFING who I guess got tired of drinking horns of mead and wanted to try a couple chalices of blood for a change.

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a last-ditch effort to get some lovin' for this too

granted it's not exactly likely to topple DE MYSTERIIS anytime soon, but it is solid, competent and at times it's got It. what is It? It is It.

i mean listen to "daughter of chaos", the third song in the OP, and tell me you're not Feelin' It
I like the songs. The production (possibly just the quality of the youtube upload) sounds tinny and reverb-y as all hell.

Actually, this is more than above average. One of those things that got overlooked in the glut of black metal releases